Oct 10, 2005

Hey kids...

...I had to have a cat put down today and I can't say I really feel like watching a scary movie and trying to think of things to write about it. I just feel like crying a lot.

I'll be back on track soon.


  1. I'm sorry you're sad today.

    -Jon D.

  2. You have my sympathies. The day we had to put Chainsaw to sleep is still too vivid in my memory.

  3. That sucks Stacie. Hope you feel better soon.

  4. My sincere condolences, Stacie. Man, I know the pain well.

    We had to put THREE(!) very beloved dogs (long-standing parts of our family) to sleep within the span of a year, not all that long ago! Talk about tough. I had grown up with these dogs throughout a big chunk of my young adult life at home.

    It is a really sad time, but time does eventually help. I've been there. Best wishes! @-}--

  5. My heartfelt sympathies - they're such little beings, but they take up such large places in our hearts.

  6. Thanks so much to all of you. You've made a difficult time a little easier. :)


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