FINAL GIRL explores the slasher flicks of the '70s and '80s...and all the other horror movies I feel like talking about, too. This is life on the EDGE, so beware yon spoilers!

Feb 14, 2006


Just when you thought you'd heard enough about Jason Voorhees for a while, E! Online reports that Michael Bay's production company, Platinum Dunes, will be working their mojo on the forthcoming Friday the 13th installment.

Now they're talking prequel, much like the Texas Chainsaw Massacre prequel Platinum Dunes has in the works.

No word on a director or cast yet, but they're still aiming for an October 13th release.

In other news, I think the name "Platinum Dunes" is terribly silly.


Anonymous said...

*siugh* We've gone for "eh" to "That's too bad."

John Barleycorn said...

Funny, 'cuz I totally wrote about this shiznit yesterday, too. Except I was more insulting to nerds (like myself) and I repeated what I said before about how they're all remakes of the original, so it won't be too, too bad.

Anyway, it could be good. How do we know?

Chris Hopper said...

I just wish they would try new ideas instead of selling the same stories over and over. I don't understand milking a franchise until it becomes a parody of itself... oh wait, money. There are so many unexplored horror novels out there if they are having a hard time coming up with new ideas. Clive Barker alone could produce dozens of opportunities and still be marketable.

Heather Santrous said...

As long as us fans of horror put money down to see sequals and/or remakes then they will keep making them. Sure it is about money but we are the ones providing that money. I'm guilty of it as well. I would like to see more orginal horror but at the same time I put my money down on sequals that come along.

Stacie Ponder said...

Man this news was just all over the place! Whatta scoop!

I don't know how I feel about this. I'm sure I'll see it no matter what, of course- which leads me to the conundrum Heather mentions here. There's the whole "Speak with your wallet" idea, but...I just gotta see it, you know?

I'm pretty sure I hated the TCM re-make when I saw it in the theatre, but at this point I find myself saying "No...I liked that!" when someone else rags on it. I need to watch it again.

A pre-F13-2 Jason story could be long as the penis monster thing is left compltetly out of it.

We'll all be blabbing our opinions on it come October...I haven't seen a Friday movie on the big screen since Part VIII, and I'm anxious to see it.

And I agree with you Chris...there's so much originality out there, but everyone's too chickenshit to take a chance on anything- but taking chances is exactly how movies like F13 and Halloween came about to begin with.
You could say the same thing about the major comic book companies as well- way back, "The House of Ideas" meant something. Now it's just "Throw another shitty Spider-Man book on the shelf because the kids just love him!". Everything gets redundant and stale.

Hell yes to Clive Barker as well, but then look what they ended up doing to Candyman...

Chris Hopper said...

I enjoyed the cinematography in Candyman and thought the movie was alright, but I didn't give the sequels a chance. I just threw Clive in because I am a fan, but there are many more out there.
As far as the new Texas Chainsaw I have to say I found nothing redeeming about it. It was pretty kids in a badly scripted and acted movie that could barley even be considered a remake. Every good aspect of the original Texas Chainsaw was taken away, most importantly the raw pain and suffering of the actors. I just wasn't buying it. I would like to give you more example, but I have done my best to block the movie from my memory banks. I don't mean to offend you if you did really like it, but I just can't agree or defend it.
I have come to the point where I cannot shell out any more money to these companies preying on my sense of nostalgia. Feeding the beast only makes it bigger and I just can't contribute anymore.

Stacie Ponder said...

Ha! No, you're right about TCM, Chris. I saw it in the theatre during its run and I remember walking out thinking it was a travesty. At this point, though, the pain has faded enough for me to question WHY I hated it so much and did I really...? I'm sure I did, but it's becoming like a terrible old relationship that seems less terrible as you distance yourself from it. I'm sure another viewing would bring me right back to ground zero, though. :P