Mar 2, 2006

Audi Fivethoudi

Proving that you can go home again, soon I'll be leaving town to...umm...go home again to see the folks and have a Big Chillesque weekend with old friends. Awww. I'm secretly hoping to find some treasure trove of horror-related goodies from my youth in my old bedroom closet, but the reality is there probably won't be much left besides yellowed pinups of Duran Duran and buttons from my jacket that say things like "Question Authority". Ah well. I'll be back on Monday, although I'd rather be back on Wednesday so I could rightfully intone "See you next Wednesday!" a la Vincent Price in Thriller. Eh, dare to dream.

In the meantime, here's a link to You Think You Know Fear, You Know Nothing, an essay by Doug Brunell over at Film Threat. He talks about his childhood obsession with The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and it all brought me back to those wonderful days before the internet, when horror movies were still illicit and your imagination fueled your desire to see something on the big screen.
I became even more obsessed with seeing the film. I did all the research on the movie I could at my school's miserable library and tried to visualize what happened on the screen. I tried to analyze what made it so scary ... all without seeing the damn thing. That obstacle was removed, though, when my mom bought me the video.
Good stuff. See you next Monday! (Did you say that to yourself in a Vincent Price voice?)

1 comment:

  1. While my first time with TCM was not the most scared I've been watching a movie, his article illustrates a good point: that first time that you're really, truly scared by a movie - not just tense, but terrified - is like no other time you'll ever have at the movies again. Ever. And those of us who become horror fans because of that experience, we spend the rest of our lives trying to get back to that place.

    I think I've let my standards for horror waver because of this. These days, if a horror movie can simply hold my attention, I'll think it's good. But when I was 8 and I saw Poltergeist in the theater, I was in a cold sweat the entire time. I believed that movie. By contrast, the maniacs in TCM, as the movie goes along, become cartoonish to me.

    But a tree eating a kid? Realest. Thing. Ever.


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