Happy Easter, kids, if you're into that kind of thing. I haven't seen Peter Rottentail, but man...those kind of movies are never as good as you want them to be. I mean, they're rarely good/bad- they're usually just bad.
Have a great holiday and eat Cadbury Creme Eggs 'til you puke!
Seeing the cover for Peter Rottentail makes me think of The Gingerdead Man, a movie I want to see but know I'll regret. Still, it's tempting to see Gary Busey play a killer who transfers his soul into a gingerbread cookie...
I would prefer to eat Fanny Farmer Cream Eggs till I die, cause they are to die for...or were. Anyway Happy Easter.
I've heard Gingerdead Man was just unwatchably terrible. But Gary Busey is a temptation, isn't he?
The trailer looks so bad, but my love/hate relationship with all things Full Moon Entertainment keeps drawing me towards this ill conceived Child's Play of confections.
Peter Rottentail - What a great title! It almost doesn't matter whether the movie is any good. I mean, this is America; all you really need is a good title and poster...
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