Jan 23, 2007

Who's been reading my diary?

Via The Horror Blog (via Filmstalker via...something else, I guess) comes news of a low-budget Welsh horror flick in the making, called...err, Flick. The premise sounds a bit like it was assembled with magnetic poetry...
Dunaway plays one-armed detective Lieutenant McKenzie called in to investigate a murder after a fight at the Memo - the Newbridge Memorial Hall - in the 1950s.

The murder victim - a local boy - is brought back to life in modern times and tries to find his teenage sweetheart, by then 65.

...but I don't care. Faye Dunaway as a one-armed detective, a time-traveling dead boy, and the words "supernatural" and "horror" all in one movie? I've been waiting my entire life for this!

White. Hot.

Even Faye Dunaway is shocked by how awesome this movie sounds.


  1. Oh. My. God.

    Magnetic Poetry RULES!

  2. Holy wow. That seems just wow. I really want to see it.

  3. Isn't Dunaway a shriveled, booze-addled corpse by now?

  4. " Isn't Dunaway a shriveled, booze-addled corpse by now?"


  5. Echoing Amanda:

    "The premise sounds a bit like it was assembled with magnetic poetry..." sounds like one of the greatest review blurbs for a movie poster ever!

    This movie can't be real... it sounds too wonderfully screwy.
    Faye DUNAWAY is a detective AND one-armed to boot?!
    I'll believe it when I see it!


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