Michael J Bassett’s 2002 WWI horror film Deathwatch opens much as Peter Weir’s 1981 WWI drama Gallipoli ends: a group of young soldiers are about to emerge from their trench into a battle they’re all but sure to lose. The men charge into a hail of bullets and a gas attack, and somehow, the 11th batallion manages to emerge unscathed. Where exactly they emerge, however, is another matter entirely.
Wandering through a thick fog, the soldiers realize they’re in enemy territory when they come across a massive, labyrinthine German trench. While it’s mostly filled with ooey, gooey rotting corpses, there is still a live enemy soldier here; he’s scared witless and implores the British troops to leave, telling them that the ground is evil.
We wouldn’t have a movie if the soldiers simply replied “Oh, right. Thanks, mate! Cheers. Pip pip.”, now would we? No, we would not, and so the Brits decide to secure and maintain the German trench. They make brief radio contact with Command, who doesn’t believe the men are who they say they are: over the crackle of the airwaves, the soldiers are informed that there were no survivors of the gas attack. Hmm. Curious. No matter! The men must secure their hold and continue to wait for their fellow troops.

Bassett has assembled your usual motley assortment of soldier types: the naïve youngster who doesn’t want to kill anyone, the psychotic thrillseeker who wants to kill everyone, the seasoned career soldier in charge of the boys, and the snooty career officer in charge of everyone who loses his shit in the heat of battle. While we’ve seen these characters countless times, they never felt like tired sterotypes- whether this is the result of the writing or the acting, I’m not sure, though both served the story well. Sure, Andy “Gollum” Serkis might be a wee bit over-the-top in his performance as the maniacal Pvt Quinn, but he’s fun to watch regardless.
Deathwatch is definitely a creepy flick- we’re never quite sure about what exactly is going on in the trenches, what the threat is, or how the men can overcome it. At the film’s end, all is explained- at least in a manner that’s open to interpretation. I’ll most likely bring up my theories about what happened and what it all meant in the comments here- I don’t want to spoil anything for peeps who’ve yet to see this.
The atmosphere and weather contribute hugely to the creepiness of the film: there’s pervasive fog and a near-relentless rain, and I couldn’t help but think the actors must have suffered through quite an uncomfortable shoot. There’s plenty of gore and goo for the folks who enjoy that sort of thing- if there’s anything I’ve learned from Bassett’s two films (read my review of his other film, Wilderness, here), it’s that he’s liberal with the blood.

Overall, I really enjoyed this movie. It’s a wholly original entry into the modern horror scene, and it’s an ambitious (if not entirely successful) feature debut from writer/director Michael Bassett. He’s undoubtedly on my short list of horror makers to watch.
Film Club Coolies:
$7 Popcorn
Mermaid Heather
My review went up a while ago.
I have to admit, I'm curious as to your interpretation of the ending.
My review is up as well. As for the ending, my guess was they were dead and being judged by their actions that we were seeing. That is how I saw it anyways.
I got the same idea that both of you got about the ending...and since three people think the same thing, it must be true. Isn't that how it goes?
Dreamrot- I also noticed you've adopted "cuckoo nutso" into your lingo...kudos! :D
When a phrase works, it just works, you know?
The limbo/judgment theory seems like it would be the most likely, that might be why I'm not as enthused by it. I like the idea that it might just be a dream that Charlie is having. That he's in a coma and he's going through all of this to justify his cowardice or make up for it in his own mind. I know it leaves the troops showing back up at the end unanswered, but I just kind of dig the idea.
OK, I'm a day late but my boyfriend and I watched it tonight.
We got the same interpretation and frankly, that kind of ruined the whole movie for me. Not that I was entirely enthralled by it. I mean the acting was good, it had some interesting moments but was rather removed emotionally and then that ending just kind of seemed preachy.
I don't think it's fair to 'judge' someone based on acts of war. It seemes wrong and angered me.
That said, it was not a bad film, in fact it was really well made and seemed really big. I'd be curious to see what the budget was, but all in all I'm not a huge fan of war movies, horror or otherwise. I think this movie aptly captured some of the real horrors of battle and that kind of stuff just disturbs me too much. In that regards, it was entirely successful. As a full on horror film though it left me cold.
I enjoyed it for the most part, although like Amanda I am not a fan of war movies, horror or otherwise.
I watch a lot of British TV so some of the cast was familiar.
The story for the most part held my attention, though it took some time to figure out what or who was the "bad" thing.
I liked by the end that it turned out to have a human form. Giving a face to the "bad" thing always makes it creepier cause it could be anybody.
I would recommend this movie to war movie fans as well as horror fans for the depth of emotion it goes into for these men. Some of whom you feel for, others you just wish were next to die.
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