Yes, sometimes things DO! Geez, don't be so bitter and cynical.
One fine sunny afternoon, a creepy bunch of people show up at a kennel, looking for that perfect bitch who's ready to breed. As a savvy DVD box reader, I knew that these creepy people were in fact satanists and were looking for a dog to sire pups from Hell; immediately I wondered how the dog was going to get pregnant. All sorts of terrible thoughts ran through my head as I reimagined the "This is no dream! This is really happening!" sequence from Rosemary's my great relief, however, there's only a simple ceremony. The wind howls! The sky turns red! The dog barks! It is...pregnant!

Barry kids Charlie and Bonnie (Kim Richards and Ike Eisenmann, who were both in the Witch Mountain movies- Escape to and Return From- and can you believe Devil Dog has reunited the Witch Mountain kids and omigod how awesome is that?) don't have to mourn Skipper for long; soon enough a fruit truck pulls up outside the family home, offering fruit and puppies. Eeeeeevil puppies! Bonnie immediately falls in love with one pup- she names him Lucky and brings him home.
Lucky soon begins Zoltan-esque displays of power, meaning he stares and his eyes glow. Maria, the Barry's housekeeper, suspects something is hinky with the pooch- she begs Mike to get rid of Lucky, saying "He gives me a scary feeling all over!" Shockingly, Mike doesn't think this is enough evidence to get rid of the family pet. When Maria and Lucky are left alone, however, it's on...meaning Lucky stares, Maria clutches her crucifix necklace, Lucky stares some more, and Maria sets herself on fire when her robes hit her evil-wardin' candles. Eyyaaagh!

Betty and Mike get a visit from Charlie's guidance counselor Miles (Ken Kercheval, yes, of Dallas, so you know I was psyched), who expresses concern for Charlie's outrageous behavior- it seems The Son Barry cheated his way to the class presidency! He's becoming corrupt! Mike expresses concern, while Betty, who's becoming corrupt herself, expresses get the fuck out of my house you nosy bastard. Later that night, Lucky takes off for Miles's house- the shots of the dog running down the street are shown in slow motion and are accompanied by "oooOOOooo" music so you know it's supposed to be scary. When Lucky arrives, there's a puff of smoke and he transforms into...a different breed of dog with horns and a Tina Turner wig.

OK, now Mike is totally convinced that his family is being weird and all these people are dying because of the dog. He goes investigating and finds his family's Super Secret Satan Clubhouse (no nuns allowed!) in the attic. He family proclaims innocence...I mean, whoever heard of satanists who wear jammie jams?

Uh oh! Bonnie's not looking so sweet!

With his bitchin' new palm tat, Mike returns to the US and has a final showdown with Lucky. Lucky gets his Tina Turner on, Mike shows off his tattoo, and Lucky disappears in the "flames".

OK, let me just paraphrase the late great film critic Pauline Kael for a moment here: this movie is absolutely as stupid as it sounds. Putting aside the whole "hound of Hell" idea and its inherent ridiculousness for a moment, this movie really does not deliver the goods. I mean, I'm not trying to tell Satan's minions how to do their job or anything, but the damn dog doesn't even bite anyone! Come on! All he does is stare. Stare stare stare and pant. Sure, when he goes into Tina Turner mode he bares he teeth, but...he only bares his teeth! I realize this is a made-for-TV venture, but that's no excuse- I've seen scarier episodes of Antiques Roadshow.
But at the beginning of this review, didn't I say that Devil Dog: The Hound of Hell lived up to the hype I'd created for it? Yes I did- and the movie did live up to all my expectations. I knew it would be stupid, and I hoped it would be fun. Goals met! Seriously, I defy any one of you to sit straight-faced through the Betty-Lucky showdown sequence. Click here for the trailer- you can't tell me you don't want to see this movie, even if you know it sucks! There's a satanist in sunglasses for crying out loud!
I saw this movie as a kid when it first ran on TV. The only part I remember was the hand in the lawn mower sequence. It freaked me out because: spinning blades = chopped up fingers and PAIN. But since no fingers got chopped up I stopped worrying that something freaky would actually happen ever in the movie. And over the years ever other scene in the movie except the lawnmower one has vanished from my memory.
How did I not see this movie as a kid? I had such a crush on Kim Richards. Hell, I even watched Hello, Larry when she was all growned up and present at the crime scene of McLean Stevenson's murdering his own career.
"Growned," sic. I amuse myself, if no one else.
Somebody randomly gave me a copy of this DVD when it came out - they knew me well apparently, because it's an Amanda By Night movie if I ever saw one.
Richard Crenna is about the coolest cat on the planet. If a movie was bad but good ol' Rich showed up, it was all of the sudden likeable.
What aren't there more Devil Dogs out there?!?
But what is the purpose of a devil dog? I could understand that story of the boy who was Satan's son -- I mean, he was human and was going to rule the world some day. But how much harm what can a dog do? How does exactly does Skipper persuade you to sell your soul?
"What is the purpose of a devil dog?"
That's a good question. It seems like a really inconvenient way to go about taking over the world. I guess the dog can...influence people around it? Or get them possessed as well? I mean...Charlie was under the influence and he cheated his way to the class presidency! OMIGOD IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD!
Satan should stick to people.
I skipped reading by fear of spoilers. :P
Thought I'd let you know that Ike and Jared Martin (you like Dusty right?) will be reunited this fall in the UK. Not sure where you are though. Care to sign our petition for Jared and Ike's series, The Fantastic Journey?
Thanks and happy blogging!
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