Aug 15, 2007

new digs

Those of you who have been here before may have noticed the pretty new window dressing here at Final Girl. It was a change that was a long time a-comin', upgrading to the newest version of Blogger. What sayest thou? I've still got some tinkering to do, but I think I like it. I'm really looking forward to having fun with the header graphic- yes, these are the things that please the easily-amused simple-minded folk such as myself.

Overall, I have to give Final Girl 2.0 the Shaq Fu seal of approval.


  1. Nice score on the new digs. Great look, site and pic.

  2. Is that you in the picture, Stac?

    Pardon me, but, GRRRRRRrrrrr.

  3. Jesse- Sorry, I wish that was me! It's the awesome Anna Faris.

  4. I kinda thought so.

    Still, I'll bet you're hotter anyway.


  5. Wow, supercool picture, Stacie. Are you going to establish a rotation? Like photoshopping "Final Girl" in place of "The Descent" with Sarah bursting out of the bloody pool? Or "FNL GRL" on the license plate of the truck Sally's in at the end of The Texas Chain Saw Massacre?

    I got a million ideas. Just no Photoshop.

  6. I like it. Can't wait to see what you come up with for the titlebar pics. :)

  7. I love the license plate idea! :D

    I'm sure I'll be wasting...err, wisely spending plenty of time on these headers. The possibilities are dizzying in their endlessnessesses!

  8. Love the header! (from another Anna Farris fan)

    The new Blogger is kind of addicting in how easy it is to add fun stuff on the sidebar (which I'm happy to be a part of!)

  9. Oooo it's super cute!

  10. Lookin' great, Stacie!

    Anna Faris is, as they say, da bomb.

  11. Oooh, nice!

  12. Extra praise for the Celina Dion picture. Funny stuff.

  13. but...wheres the forum?

  14. It looks turbo-cool, Stacie. But, yeah, where's the link for the forum, lady? You gotsta add it.

  15. Yaaay! I'm still adjusting to the new look and adding stuff that was here before. It'll soon be fitting like favorite jeans, I just knows it!

  16. I'm know I'm late but dang it I'm jealous. I need to update my place to a new look and now I'll totally look like a copycat.

    The new look is tres awesome! Bonus awesomeness given for the Anna banner.


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