This broad has a really long neck and a whopper of a hangover, apparently.

This one was sent to me by reader Lance, and man...what a find! Even the presence of that damned Gene Shalit can't detract from the awesomeness of this German Terror Train poster. The topless lizard man is a bit disturbing, however.

Manpurse? Eeesh...
Maybe the lizard man isn't topless. Maybe he is wearing a mansuit. What I want to know is why Howard the Duck is hanging out on that poster.
I keep passing the DVD of Graveyard Shift in the bargin bin at my local supermarket (gee, how'd THAT end up in the cheap racks?) and I keep mulling over the prospects of buying it (I have a soft spot for early '90s cheese, bad Stephen King adaptations, killer rat movies, and Brad Dourif cameos). I haven't made that jump yet but if they had kept that great original poster design for the DVD box art, I guarantee it would already be sitting in my collection.
Wait, wha, what about that fabulous Diabolique poster? You just think you can sneak that in between Peek-A-Boo Bonesman and The Monster on the Overnight Express (how's that for an awkward title) and think we won't notice?
I think she's trying to drive us crazy! And when we're honest about it, what do we really know about Stacie?
"What I want to know is why Howard the Duck is hanging out on that poster."
Trying to weasel his way into a slightly better film than his own?
"Wait, wha, what about that fabulous Diabolique poster?"
Sneaky sneaky, subliminal good art!
Back in my video store jockey days, I used to gaze in wonder at that HUMANOIDS FROM THE DEEP image and think, "Goddamn that woman's neck is long."
Dude, one of these days you HAVE to feature the hilarious foreign "Hot Fuzz" poster on TGIAMPF.
From now on, there is no 'Terror Train' to me, there is only 'Monster Im Nachtexpress'
Also, I kinda love The Undead. Does that make me a bad person?
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