This is by far..BY FAR one of the most disturbing posters I've ever seen. "Hey, buddy...my eyes are up here...no wait, they are down there. Well, whaddaya know? Please, continue staring at my tits."

Including the poster for I Saw What You Did And I Know Who You Are! today is more of a plea than anything else. I've desperately been wanting to see this film forever...I know it probably isn't that great, but William Castle + Joan Crawford + telephone pranks gone awry + uxoricide is, like, pulled directly from my list of cinematic wet dreams, so what can I say? The DVD is out there, but out of print and therefore mucho expensive-o. Doesn't somebody I know have it, though? One of you? One of you surely has this film in your possession. Ahem.

Wow, the first cuckoo nutso in the door. I used to have that DRACULA HAS RISEN FROM THE GRAVE poster, but I got rid of it during a period of genre indifference. What was I thinking?
I HAVE seen "I Saw What You Did And I Know Who You Are!" and recently!
I think it must have been "on demand" from my aunt's cable company, where I've seen several oldies but goodies while spending the night there.
Joan Crawford has a supporting role, which is good, a little goes a long way. I would really recommend a viewing. There's a good balance of goofy datedness and real creepiness.
I don't have digital cable at the moment or I would get you a copy...
And with Agnes Moorehead being none other than Endora of Bewitched, I might have to find Dear Dead Delilah, but I'll be damnned if I pay for any more seat than I use.
Great mixture of creepy and kitschy this week.
I love the fact that, even though she's headless, Agnes Moorehead still finds a way to overdo the eyeshadow!
And why aren't there more people named Agnes in the world?
why aren't there more people named Agnes in the world?
The Agneses, Ethels, Irmas and Ediths have all been replaced by the Paiges, the Meagans, the Brittanys and the Baileys.
Arbogast, you're like the bizarro me...or something. I love the poster so much I tracked down a copy and bought it. :D
"I'll be damnned if I pay for any more seat than I use."
That's hilarious, and a really good point. I love that tag line, though.
And a dear reader has come through for me with I Saw What You Did.... I can't wait to see it.
Man, I oughta ask for stuff more often! :P
Arbogast, you're like the bizarro me
Except that I also pee sitting down. I mean, when I make it to the bathroom.
Uh, weird last comment....
I love Awesome Movie Poster Fridays! They're better than if they took place on Thursdays!
"Dracula Has Risen From the Grave" is my favorite Dracula movie evah!!!
Uh, weird last comment....
Oh, it wasn't my last comment. Neither is this. Or this.
Magic scared me to death when I was younger. Now all dolls and dummies freak me out. Make them clown dolls or dummyies and I will fall out where I stand....or sit...or lay...whatever. They are just the creepiest.
By the by, I love the posters.
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