1) The lesser-known landscape-format Creepshow poster fucking rocks.
2) I have not seen Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death. I'm not sure if my love of the Barbeau can get me to, either.
3) There's a far more ridiculous poster for The Fog way back yonder in this post. Those crazy Germans!
4) I like the oversized novelty handcuffs approach to the first Escape From New York poster, but the second one has the running and the shooting and the little "pew pew pew!" flames coming out of the guns, so the second one wins.
5) Yes, The Thing. Sneaky hobbitses!
Other than the fact that she was married to John Carpenter at the time, is there another connection that Barbeau has to THE THING?
Not to be really anal about it...but she IS in all the other movies...
CANNIBAL WOMEN IN THE AVACADO JUNGLE OF DEATH - ehhhhh. I saw it roughly 20 years ago and it doesn't wear fondly in my memory. Barbeau is the best actress in it. It's worth a look if you're also a Bill Maher fan.
"Not to be really anal about it...but she IS in all the other movies..."
Barbeau is the voice of the chess computer in The Thing.
How bad would it be if I said that I just added "Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death" to my rental queue?
Stacie, you just blew me away with your Barbeau-related geekitude. Go you! ;-)
And ohmigod, my word verification word is like 10,000 letters long! I almost want to delete this entire message to escape typing that monster out. Only for you, Miss Ponder! Only for you!!!
that swamp thing poster is beautifully done...even though i prefer Heather Locklear from the sequel merely from a visual standpoint
Robert you walked right into that one but someone had to do it!
She is?!?!
I never was aware of that...
Yeah, it was a trick question! Not that it was a question, but you know what I mean. Maybe. It's Friday afternoon, so I might not be making much sense now. But, she's the only female in The Thing...unless...I don't know, are any of the dogs female? :D
It's true, I double minored in Adrienne Barbeau and Poly-Sci.
I want to like Swamp Thing, but...it's not very good, is it?
Pierce, I fully expect you to report back with your Cannibal Women findings.
JA, I sincerely appreciate all your hard work in the commenting!! :D
No, Swamp Thing is not very good. It's not very good at all. I'm a big dork for the comics, from the orginal Wein/Wrightson run through Moore/Bissette et all and Rick Veitch's run... whatever... even some of the lesser ones, I'll read happily.
But aside from a handful of moments - arguably including a nice long topless scene from Ms. Barbeau in the non-PG version - the movie just isn't very good.
Hi there
I love that Creepshow poster - it's the one we saw at cinemas over here in the UK! Cinema sounds soooo english of me doesn't it?
In the mean time keep up the Barbeau fandom....
uhhh... isn't it Thursday? Sorry to be the bearer of bad news... just say'in. And I just watched Creepshow last week, it totally still stands up. But Barbeau reminds me of an ex girlfriend in that role... yEESH!
Err, yes, June 12, 2008 is a Thursday. However, Nov 9, 2007 (the date of this post) was a Friday.
HA hA! I'm in a total time warp! Thanks for the heads up!
Oh brother, I'm such a melonhead!
Dude, you almost sucked me into that warp with you! I was entirely questioning my reality for a moment. :)
HA! Thats how we get you!
Talk to you later... or is it sooner?
I was there, I can confirm that it was a Wednesday!
.....I think
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