FINAL GIRL explores the slasher flicks of the '70s and '80s...and all the other horror movies I feel like talking about, too. This is life on the EDGE, so beware yon spoilers!
Jan 25, 2008
awesome movie poster friday- the GOBLIN edition!
You may notice that these aren't technically movie posters- rather, they're LP covers. However, when searching for Argento posters last week I came across many a sweet Goblin soundtrack cover and they just wouldn't be ignored, so there. I do what I feel like!
Middle three Dawn of the Dead and the razor wire Suspiria for the win.
Man, I do enjoy Poster Friday. It reminds me of the days when I was a little tyke and my parents would take me to the video store. I would pick out a cartoon or two and while they looked for their movie, I would sneak off to the horror movie section and look at the movie jackets and posters and get scared.
Stacie, if I might enlist your help, or anyone else who might know, there was a particular movie cover that terrified me but for the life of me I can't remember the movies name. From what I remember, two hands, seemingly floating in midair, were clutching a taught piece of wire with blood dripping off the middle. I want to say there was also a large floating eye. Sound familar? I would have been around 5, so, 1982ish. Thanks in advance.
And hey, you snuck the first-ever photo of Final Girl in there before Beretta 70! (Apropos of nothing, the Beretta AR-70 was a decent little rifle, back in the day...)
But alas no ALBUM covers (Roller, Il Fantastic Viaggio del 'Baggarozzo' Mark, er, Volo...)..and Chi? Man, Chi? has a great cover. OK, it's a single, but still...
From what I remember, two hands, seemingly floating in midair, were clutching a taught piece of wire with blood dripping off the middle. I want to say there was also a large floating eye.
David -- I believe that would have to be The Visitor. I've been meaning to see this movie since the first Internet review of it that I read; everyone who talks about it talks about the bizarre images it gives in the course of telling its incoherent story. (Just so you know -- I don't count these as bad things...)
Antaeus Feldspar, you are absolutely right :D. Went to IMDB and there was the very image that has been haunting me for the last 25 years or so. 100 internet points for you, along with my eternal gratitude. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Man, I do enjoy Poster Friday. It reminds me of the days when I was a little tyke and my parents would take me to the video store. I would pick out a cartoon or two and while they looked for their movie, I would sneak off to the horror movie section and look at the movie jackets and posters and get scared.
Stacie, if I might enlist your help, or anyone else who might know, there was a particular movie cover that terrified me but for the life of me I can't remember the movies name. From what I remember, two hands, seemingly floating in midair, were clutching a taught piece of wire with blood dripping off the middle. I want to say there was also a large floating eye. Sound familar? I would have been around 5, so, 1982ish. Thanks in advance.
I like the Profondo Rosso cover. Barbara Walters has never looked better.
Shiiiiiit. I need cover #6 now!
And I need to see the movie for cover #3, if that is in fact David Hemmings and Fabio Testi.
Man, livin' la vida droga...
And hey, you snuck the first-ever photo of Final Girl in there before Beretta 70! (Apropos of nothing, the Beretta AR-70 was a decent little rifle, back in the day...)
Buio Omega is great nasty film. Or a nasty great film...and sick.
Sarah, that is indeed Fabio and David! The film was released in the united states as HEROIN BUSTERS by Blue Underground.
And I'm with you in needing #6!
Is that really our Ms. Ponder in there before Beretta 70?
Ooh, you even got "Libra"'s Schock in there!
But alas no ALBUM covers (Roller, Il Fantastic Viaggio del 'Baggarozzo' Mark, er, Volo...)..and Chi?
Man, Chi? has a great cover. OK, it's a single, but still...
La Chiesa? Solamente Nero? Phenomena?
OK, so I'm obsessive :S
I never expected people to enjoy AMPF so makes me happy.
"Is that really our Ms. Ponder in there before Beretta 70?"
Sorry to disappoint everyone, but no...that's not me.
Wait, I mean YES IT IS!
And I didn't include Phenomena because all the LPs looked like the posters, which I had up last week. But I tried!
From what I remember, two hands, seemingly floating in midair, were clutching a taught piece of wire with blood dripping off the middle. I want to say there was also a large floating eye.
David -- I believe that would have to be The Visitor. I've been meaning to see this movie since the first Internet review of it that I read; everyone who talks about it talks about the bizarre images it gives in the course of telling its incoherent story. (Just so you know -- I don't count these as bad things...)
Antaeus Feldspar, you are absolutely right :D. Went to IMDB and there was the very image that has been haunting me for the last 25 years or so. 100 internet points for you, along with my eternal gratitude. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Ah, sorry to have misled anyone. I was just trying to twit the fabulous, but notoriously autoeidetophobic Miss P.
That's not she, as far as i know, but something tells me she is strangely drawn to that woman's haute-'80s hair...
my fave is the cover for Bava's Shock - BUT mostly because of it's incredible German title - the best title for a horror film EVER!!!!!
Shock Transfert Suspense Hypnos.
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