SCENE: a bar
ME: I totally loved you in
Friday the 13th Part VIII.
KELLY HU: Oh my God! Who
are you?

It's highly possible that I was the first person to mention
Jason Takes Manhattan to Ms. Hu in quite some time, to say the least. She told me all about the shoot and when I suggested she consider bringing back the criss-crossed suspenders look, she replied "What was I
She's kind of awesome.
In other news, so is beer.
That sounds like an interesting conversation.
Funny coincidence because I watched Part VIII last night. Its still easily the worst of the Paramount Fridays, and it comes across like a bad sci-fi channel DTV at times, but I can still watch it on ocassion.
I never understood Kelly's death scene though. She goes into the disco room.... and basically just stands there until Jason comes and gets her? I would've told her that the criss-crossed suspenders were fine as long as they could've come up with a better thought-out death scene.
Cool story.
Part VIII is totally a hot mess. It's kind of dreadful, but somehow still watchable...and yeah, her death scene is one of the lamest in any Friday.
At least she's gone on to bigger and better!
I have a perverse fondness for Jason Takes Manhattan that even my husband doesn't understand. But I have to admit, I've seen it a bunch of times, and while I remember her character well, I can't bring her death scene to mind at all. It was literally unmemorable!
Man, you are living the dream since you made the big move!
Movie stars AND beer? Nice!
Actually, "Jason Takes Manhattan" is one of my favorite entries in the Friday the 13th oeuvre...I mean, there's Manhattan, and Jason just freakin' takes it, baby. But, it does beg the question: Does he take the Bronx and Staten Island too?
I think he actually just takes an alleyway in Toronto.
Awesome story, Stacie!
Even Jason steers clear of Staten Island.
Even Jason steers clear of Staten Island.
Because they never did catch that He Knows You're Alone guy.
I remember her from that "Growing Pains" episode as Mike's Polynesian girl in the Hawaii episode...
Hey, I was one of the six people who watched her last series, In Case of Emergency in which she played a former high-school valedictorian whose life had gone off the rails to the point where she was an employee of a Korean "massage" parlor, pretending to be an off-the-boat Korean girl to her customers.
This was a sitcom, oddly enough... (And she was good in it. Probably the best actor in the cast.)
you rock. :}
Nice! It is cool that she was able/willing to talk about a movie that most "stars" would rather forget about to a total stranger.
For the record, I loved the trailer, the "axe" to the face (death by flying V!) and the "boxing" scene. Oh, and that awful song used in the closing credits...
Jesus, that was Kelly Hu?!
VIII was actually my favorite of the whole series until I re-watched the first...uh...well, 8 and then I realized how amazing VI is.
I miss Thom Matthews.
Oh man I definitely need to start moving through the Ft13th series, like way quick. So many movies so little time! Sometimes it is lame to be a latecomer to the genre.
I have to agree with Chuckwilson up there, props to Kelly Hu for being cool enough to discuss the flick. Double mega props to you Stacie for bringing it up in the first place.
Had the opportunity been mine I probably would have squandered it with a "Nash Bridges" reference.
I love the idea that the movie was so cheap, the actors wore their own clothes
I never fully understood the scene either. Does Jason keep on reappearing in different places in that disco? But despite that, I always thought she was pretty fetching in the film and the fact that I still like her now probably has something to do with that. Simply put, I think that it's awesome that you got to talk to her about it. mess...
Nothing like commenting on a blog post nearly a year old. Sigh.
Anyway, I imagined a scene much like this one had I gotten the chance to meet the late William Hootkins. While any regular-issue nerd would clamor for him to sign their mint-in-the-box Jek Porkins action figure, I'd be all, "Oh, man, you were awesome in Hardware, man!"
Hey Stacie, it's Friday the 13th today AND it is Kelly Hu's birthday! END OF THE WORLD.
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