Feb 15, 2008

awesome movie poster friday- the SOME OF MY FAVORITES edition!


  1. That's a pretty sweet Texas Chainsaw Massacre poster!

  2. The title script for that poster for The Ring irritates me. Imagine the poster as brown on white instead of white on black and it's a comedy about a single man and the orphan scamp who changes his life. (The ring is probably a wedding ring, somehow.) Aargh.
    And also, if you're going to make a minimalist poster, it's probably best to skip the campy tag lines.

    That second poster for The Haunting (Belgian, probably?), on the other hand, is one of the coolest things I've ever seen. I don't suppose the source said who designed it?


  3. Wow, great stuff. Not sure I understand the lavender on the Exorcist poster, unless it's an allusion to how priests will sometimes wear purple.

    And, heh, Don't Look Now. Nekkid.

  4. Fave posters or fave movies? Or both?

  5. Love the *My Bloddy Valentine* poster. I'm imgaining it without the tagline - just leaving blank space at the top - and I think it would be even better!

  6. Jonathan- Sorry, the page didn't provide any artist info. That's true so often, it bums me out.

    Theron- wouldn't YOU like to know? Wait...that's probably why you asked. These are some of my favorite films, but I chose the ones that have kick-ass posters as well. So, a little of both.

  7. The LSJTD poster just makes me want to slap the marketing suits behind the DVD release all the harder. Yes, you bottom-feeders, you probably COULD move a couple more units if people confused it with "The Exorcism of Emily Rose," but at the cost of whatever shred of humanity you might have left.

    That's a weird translation of The Haunting. It's not the House of the Devil, it's the House of Repressed Lesbianism.

    I hope the remake was released overseas as "The House of This Piece of Crap is Supposed to be Scary?"

  8. I actually have that second poster for The Haunting above my bed, next to a similar one for Village of the Damned. The artist's autograph appears to be Hommers, F. Ammers, or Frommers - it's hard to tell. Both of the posters have this in the bottom right: impr. J. Lichtert & Fils Bruxelles, which I think is the printer.

  9. is 'Pass The Warning' supposed to be said like 'Pass the salt...' or 'could you please pass me the ketchup...' or something similar?

  10. I believe that poster for "The Shining" is largely based on the artwork for the book version (please correct me if I'm wrong) - either way its still pretty cool. Although I do prefer the Jack Nicholson, "Heeeeere's Johnny" poster instead.

    I also love the "Blair Witch" poster. I think it perfectly fits the film.

  11. Yes, and wouldn't that Blair Witch poster have made an elegant DVD cover, rather than the the up-shot of Heather's snotty nose!

  12. Thanks starlen!
    It seems like Lichtert was pretty much the Belgian poster-printer then, but I can't find any artist with one of those names associated with them. Oh well.

    I kind of wonder whether the artsier style of a lot of the Lichtert posters means that genre films were being marketed to a different audience in Belgium.


  13. I have the Spanish Alien poster in my room, and I can't believe I only just noticed that it has an egg on it. A beautifully-lit EGG.

  14. Wouldn't it have been cool if Julie Harris had melted at the end of The Haunting?

  15. Some great picks, 'cept for Blair Witch. That one is sorta stinky....

  16. i love the first alien movie cause it wwas the scariestout of all four of the movies. its not what u seethat makes things scary. its what u dont see, ur mind fills in the blanks, and itsmuch scarier in ur mind


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