In light of the imminent release of
The Ruins, Entertainment Weekly Online has published a list of the
20 Scariest Films of All Time (At Least For Now) (I added that last part because, you know, I've got hope that there's more uber-scary films out there in ideaspace soon to be made). You could probably name all 20 right this second without even glancing at the list, as it's all the usual suspects:
The Exorcist,
The Shining,
An American Werewolf in know the drill. I suppose I pretty much agree with the list, though I'm a bit surprised that
The Blair Witch Project was omitted. Of course, lists like this are all about opinion...and if EW wants to be a bunch of jerks, they can be a bunch of jerks all they want.
While the list itself is nothing new, I still suggest you go take a gander because the picture gallery rocks. Somehow for most of the films they're showcasing photos that seem (to me, at least) fresh, new, and rare instead of the same old tired stills. In other words,
not the usual suspects.

I don't know...if you're as nerdy as I am, somehow this seems exciting.
If I remember correctly, EW gave "Blair Witch Project" a terrible review when it was released in theaters. Granted, different people make up the lists, but I'm pretty sure I remember that right.
I disagree though, and would probably have it in the top ten somewhere below "Halloween," "Jaws," The Exorcist, etc.
I love that you called out the pics from that list, Stacie, as I too thought the same thing while reading it the other day... I even sorta stole one of their pics for the current banner at my site...
I'm really tired of the usual suspects list though too. Yes Exorcist, yes Halloween, yes Texas Chainsaw, yes Psycho and Shining and bears, oh my. Something must be done about it! I think we do have a new contender on the horizon though...
Damn, I hope those weren't in order. My only beef would be with The Omen (okay movie, but scary?). That pic is solid though. Also, kudos to EW for throwing Henry and The Thing in there. They just gained like 2 coolness points in my book (to bring the magazine up to -37 coolness points total).
Stacie, you're totally on the money about the stills. The Nightmare on Elm St. one was awesome and really did feel new. I'd quibble with a lot of inclusions on the list - nature of lists, of course - but have one big quibble: with the exception of 28 Days Later, that's the 20 scariest American movies. Don't they watch movies from other countries at EW?
I always feel sad when poor little Session 9 is left out. Guess I better write my own damned list.
As much as EW sucks, they at least called it "Seven" instead of "Se7en".
I was surprised by the inclusion of "Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer". That doesn't tend to make too many lists.
My second surprise of the evening was seeing that The Omen was included in the list. Not only is it not scary, I don't even consider it a horror film.
when I saw this post in my rss reader, I was like "Hmmm... I wonder what an Uzhie is..."
@ja & jts - lol
Don't know if you've had the chance to see it yet, but [Rec] is the scariest horror movie I've seen in a long while.
You won't be disappointed by it.
Se7en? What's wrong with Se7en? I like Se7en. 6ix, 5ive, fou4, Thr3e, 2wo and 1ne.
I guess I'm a bit surprised by how unsurprising the list is. No risky picks. But it's still a good list. Although I don't find An American Werewolf in London scary in the least. It's a cool movie, I just don't find it scary.
And the Halloween still rocks.
@Scott- I agree! Even if the remake (Quarantine) doesnt completely suck, its going to be hard to top the original.
Stacie, keep an eye out for Frontier(s). Limited theatrical run May 9th. I think you're really going to dig it.
JA, I love that banner! I saw it the other day and thought "Man, he's got a great eye for screen caps" and I got all jealous. But now I know that you're nothing but a lo-down, no-good, dirty stealer and I feel better! what you're saying is...let me get this straight...there are good horror movies from countries that are NOT America? Surely you're delusional!
It's totally a "safe" list, and I'd imagine they're catering to a crowd that's...uh, I don't know. Interested in the safe?
I think the stuff on the moors in American Werewolf is great and scary...and maybe the subway killing scene. Most of the rest is great, but not so scary. To me, anyway.
I can't wait to see [Rec]!!!!! And I've heard about Frontier(s), and I want to see Inside / a l'interieur as well. Some good good flicks coming down the pike!!
[REC] Rawks. It just brutally shoved it's way into my Top Ten list.
But I liked how they called Night of the Living Dead the Blair Witch of it's time, but didn't include the latter.
But then, most of the list was mallrat scary, not scary scary.
Yeah there were some scary films in there - and I know it's only an opinions list - but not 1ne scary film was ever made in a foreign language? I love the Ringu remake, but the original is much scarier. But in Japanese... Still the American Werewolf photo was cool.
Maybe it's because I was a kid when I first saw it but I always thought the Omen was creepy as fuck! I still look for menacing shadows on photographs of me to make sure decapitation isn't just around the corner.
Much as I love American Werewolf I'd agree it doesn't exactly induce feelings of "fear" so much as feelings of "I want Rick Baker for his awesomeness!"
Creepshow actually has a whole lotta "Oh shit!" moments...or maybe it just did for me...lots of yelping when I watch that...
Yeah - there are two types of GREAT HORROR FILM in my opinion: scary as fuck, shiver and shudder inducing frightfests, and fun as fuck, full on twisted entertainments... CREEPSHOW and AMERICAN WEREWOLF are in the great, fun as fuck camp... and then there are the ones that make your skin crawl...
Well put, sir!
Well, I can't say I'm surprised, but I'm always upset at the omission of what I feel os one of the three or four scariest movies of all time, Black Christmas (not even going to say "the original," for that '06 atrocity cannot even be considered related to Bob Clark's film.) Holy dancing Christ that is one hell of a scary movie. And I've come to expect the glaring omission of When A Stranger Calls (again, not mentioning the remake. Crap, I just did.)
At least they didn't include Scream.
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