Wow, the Nightbreed poster is so sweet and so much better than Nightbreed.
Dear Lord of Illusions, floating smoke eyeballs between hands aren't really scary. PS, you're not a very good movie.
When I went to SDCC last year and attended the panel for Midnight Meat Train, one thing that got me psyched for it was a comment made by director Ryuhei Kitamura- that he was trying to keep the film along the lines of Hellraiser and Candyman, since he thought those were the only good movies based on the work of Clive Barker. I agree with him!
Clive Barker will be at this weekend's Fangoria Convention Thingy, as will I. While I'm doing the con later today, I hope you'll be staying home and thinking up a fabulous entry for my Name That Name contest. Or you can do it while you're at work- I'd actually prefer that, if you shirked your work responsibilities and thought up silly column names for me.
FAVE POSTER THIS WEEK: Third *Hellraiser* poster.
When I saw *Nightbreed* as a teen, David Cronenberg's character scared the crap out of me. The scene with him in the hotel room - with some people I can't remember -made an imprint on my memory.
Doesn't he wear a gimp leather mask with a zipper mouth in that movie?
Oh man, RAWHEAD REX - what piece of poo that was. I mean I like horror on an island, but wasn't that a little BIG to be called an "Island?" As in, they've got cops. And special forces. You know, tanks, guns, what not. And not to self: when you find a five-century-old druidic monolith on your land, tearing it down is not worth the ten square feet of cropland you're going to get for the trouble.
Damn, no languages I know. Unless it's on that one poster that won't load for me.
Um, Rex is Latin for "king."
::listens to crickets chirp::
I got nothin'.
That Japanese Hellraiser 2 poster is intense!! Till I saw that comment aboot Pinhead laughing.
fox, Dr. Chanard (Cronenberg) scared the crap out of me as well. I think one of the killers from the upcoming movie The Strangers looks a lot like him.
The Lords of Illusion poster reminds me an awful lot of anything that David Blaine does these days.
Rawhead Rex was such a great story. It is totally beyond me how it could have been turned into such a rancid piece of cinematic crap.
But then I look at nearly every Lovecraft adaption and see one disaster after another.
I do love the Japanese Hellraiser 2 Poster. And Candyman was the best American horror film of the 90s. And David Croneberg rocked in Nightbreed even that movie was not...good.
Whoa, what if David Blaine said Candyman's name 5 times? There's a movie I'd love to see... (assuming of course that Blaine dies a horrible and gory death)
Urg, That NIGHT BREED poster still breaks my heart, Fox just reused the image from their BAD DREAMS campaign!
#3 is pretty sweet.
Pinhead looks so zen and thoughtful. I can't quite make out what he's doing, though. He almost appears to be petting a hamster.
Hey, there's a good "name that name" name - Pinhead's Petting Zoo!
Well, back to work. This 747 isn't exactly gonna land itself, is it?
I know it's trash, but I have a special place in my heart for Rawhead Rex. Any movie where a 7-foot monster pees on a priest (who loves it!) is A-OK in my book.
I'll be at Fango tomorrow and maybe Sunday, too. See ya!
Rawhead Rex was a great story, I agree. What they did to it (tv movie in Britain) was a crime.
I take exception to your dissing of Lord of Illusions, Ms. Ponderiffic! It's one of my guilty pleasures, entrenching itself squarely in that B-horror movie pantheon with other flicks like "In the mouth of madness" and the original "the Fog".
I can't for the life of me remember the Walk Like An Egyptian dance sequence in Rawhead Rex. I guess I gotta watch it again.
oh Rawhead Rex, you're the only horror movie that my mom wouldnt let me watch on network cable. Whay oh why did the tv preview of your movie have to be so awesome?
"Lord of Illusions"...Kevin J. O'Connor is in that, right? Or am I thinking of the other guy?
I pretty much associate him with the Sommersverse. :D
La D,
You are correct to associate Kevin J. with the Sommersverse. He and SS and Bob Ducsay are old friends. I thought one of the more egregious mistakes in Van Helsing was making Kevin J. so unrecognizable with makeup, dramatically limiting his ability to be funny...
if the director of Midnight Meat Train wants it to be in the same league as Hellraiser and Candyman then he should have started with casting - Vinnie jones is terrible, never convincing as anything other than a former football player (in my opinion anyway) and Brooke Shields?? I wait and see, of course - it's one of my favourite short stories... so maybe I am already stacking excuses up against it... but we will see.
A pox on all of you.
I'm a sucker for bad Clive Barker movies.
Line them up.
Rawhead Rex.
And Lords Of Illusion.
And I like Hellraiser II better than the original.
That's right, I said a pox.
I agree with you on Hellraiser II. I thought it was far superior to the first film.
I also liked Lord of Illusion. Who would have guessed that Scott Bakula could do horror?
Actually Bill, he's mentioned to be in "G.I. Joe", but keeping us guessing about who he's actually playing. Some of the sites are thinking he might be Dr. Mindbender...
Dude, I'm with Fox - I freakin' love Nightbreed!! I haven't seen it for years though, so it might actually suck ass.
La D,
Thanks! I'm just old enough to have not watched the G.I. Joe cartoon, so I'm totally unclear on any of the characters. I did have a Snake Eyes action figure because, you know, he looked cool and had two Uzis. To me, G.I. Joe will always be fuzzy-headed and occasionally kung-fu-gripped.
I remember all of Clive Barkers novels up to Imagica being amazing. Like unbelievably woah, kind of good. And then they went to shite (although I did like the kid's story series with the paintings he made for it). Anyways, I loved Hellraiser, Hellraiser 2, and Candyman. Everything else was pure shite, although Nightbreed is kinda fun, especially the creepy psycho in the blank mask. I remember renting Rawhead Rex after reading the excellent story in Books of Blood and just being appalled.
I like "Lord of Illusions" in a non-ironic way. Like, I actually thought it was good. I'm sorry, everybody...
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