Dec 24, 2008

o tanenbaaaaaaaaaaa

Have you been pulling your hair and wringing your hands, wondering when I'd be back? I know I have! Then I remembered that the power of posting at Final Girl rests in my very hands, so here I am.

I've been jacked up on my beloved Dunk's for several days now, and yesterday I found a little used bookstore that had a VHS copy of Satan's Cheerleaders waiting just for me. So far, this trip rules!

Anycoffee, I wrote a piece about killer plants and trees over at Ye Olde AMC, which is now up for your viewing pleas---well, your viewing, at any rate. Killer plants and trees are pretty sweet and a great way to celebrate the season, don't you think? Baby Jesus would be proud.

coolest tree ever


  1. I can't believe there's not even a passing reference to The Guardian!!! What's up with that?

    (That probably needed a winky emoticon or something, huh?)

    That was a fun subject. Great post!

    And have a continuing good vacation and holidays and such!

  2. You know, I almost mentioned The Guardian- it was on my list. I haven't seen it since it was in theaters, though, and I don't remember a damn thing about it. Is it worth revisiting? I seriously may as well have not seen it, I remember so little.

  3. I saw it in the theater and one other time, on a beat up VHS tape at a really obnoxious bed & breakfast. I recommend that if you're at an obnoxious bed & breakfast that has an old beat up VHS tape of The Guardian, then absolutely, throw that sucker in!

    It does, however, have a bleeding tree, and so has a special place in my dippy ol' heart.

  4. No love for Little Shop of Horrors?

    If you want triffids I suggest hunting down the BBC miniseries from the 80's. They're still kind of rubbery but I wouldn't really expect 3-legged plants to be graceful.

    The most terrifying thing about The Guardian is it always reminds me that Jenny Seagrove dated Michael Winner. She has seen horrors the rest of us can barely contemplate.

  5. I do believe the BBC Triffids is available on NetflixWI. ;)

  6. I can't believe there's not even a passing reference to The Guardian!!! What's up with that?

    Hell, man, don't bark at the Girl! Leaf her alone! You're knot the boss of her! Don't be a sap.

    And so on.

  7. Merry Christmas, Stacie.

    I haven't seen The Guardian since the theater either, but I remember it being baaaad. Maybe I should revisit it for just that reason. Perhaps with age it has become good/bad.

  8. Merry Christmas, Stacie!

    That tree looks like it wants to strike me down for reasons it won't bother to explain.

  9. The Guardian is bad, but in a good way and the tree/demon thing (can't remember the details) is actually a pretty cool creation.

  10. Rhodedendroms

  11. HPNY - Took one of your recommendations and watched Long Weekend (1978) this week, back-to-back with Weekend (1967), which you didn’t! ... I just liked the juxtaposition (oh thank you sweet baby Jesus for granting me the opportunity of using the word “juxtaposition”) ... this MID-week! ‘Twas not an untroubled sleep I found that night. Not so much the rape, murder, pillage or cannibalism of Weekend (1967) ... but the unfeasibly chafing and intimately crotch hugging fit of the wardrobe sported by the lead protagonists of Long Weekend (1978)!!! There is such a thing as too much wincing ... I said wincing not mincing! But then again ...

  12. coolest tree ever = Tubonga from Hell


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