Jan 13, 2009

Film Club 2: The Rechoosening

When I started Final Girl once upon a Ye Olde Time, my niche was covering slasher movies. I slowly began writing about other subgenres because let's face it, there's only so much you can write about slasher films on a regular basis...and besides, I love horror in all shapes and sizes and flavors. I don't discriminate!

For the next Film Club MEGAEVENT, however, I'm takin' it back to my slasher roots. A positively DREAMY early-80s double bill, folks:

Friday the 13th, UNCUT.

My Bloody Valentine, UNCUT.

I've written about both films before, but these forthcoming special editions feature footage never before seen by my very eyes, so they're definitely worth revisiting. Friday the 13th is rumored to have a...err...whopping 34 seconds of lost footage added, but My Bloody Valentine promises to be a real treat with upwards of a (for reals) whopping nine minutes of additional footage- largely, all the gore and effects (in)famously excised by the MPAA. Fans (me) have been wanting to see this footage forever, and now all of our (my) dreams have come true. Alright, so not ALL of my dreams. My cat is still unable to scoot around the house like a fat furry hovercraft. I have faith, however, that someday technology will catch up to my deepest desires!

MBV hits this week! THIS WEEK! This very week in which we are living! F13 should be out on February 3rd. I have no idea what the Netflix deal may or may not be- you may, in fact, have to leave your house to seek out a copy when the time comes. Write about one movie, write about both- just make sure you're writing about the new editions. Whatever you choose, this is a primo opportunity to check out some of the finest slasher flicks from the genre's heyday. As President and Supreme Ruler of Final Girl, I simply can't pass them up!

The films: My Bloody Valentine (uncut) and Friday the 13th (uncut)
The due date: Monday, February 23


  1. Neither are showing up on Netflix yet. Leaving the house...scary!

  2. Yes! I'm planning on watching MBV Uncut this week, and F13 Uncut soon to come. Maybe I'll make this my first foray into film-clubbery.

  3. So you're talking about the originals, yes? Not the new ones that are incidentally coming out in theaters now and in february?

    I'm so excited! I've actually never seen Friday the 13th. :) Pathetic, I know!

  4. Yup, I'm talkin' originals. I hope lots of people participate who've never seen these!

  5. I don't think Netflix gets re-releases of movies like My Bloody Valentine right away. It took them awhile to get Pieces in, anyway. MBV was on sale on Amazon, so I just got it there.

  6. You know what sucks? Went to the store to pick up MBV on dvd only to find they've pushed the date back (In Canada anyway, you lucky chuds still get it today in the US I believe)..

    As a horror buff I am ashamed to say I've missed out on MBV until now, and I've only seen the original F13 in chunks. Never all at once.

    Don't kill me! I'm definitely going to watch these flicks uncut and contribute to the Club.

  7. Never watched either of these, so I look forward to checking them out uncut for the Film Club. Can't risk waiting months for them to come off the "very long time" queue on Netflix though, so I'll have to risk interacting with other people when I go outside the shack to rent them. Ugh.

  8. My copy of MBV uncut should be arriving any day now. When it does arrive, my life will be complete, for I will have found my Holy Grail.

  9. I'll get them both, tho I dunno when are they gonna be released here in Mexico.

  10. We're lucky enough in the UK to have had F13 uncut for some time; the frying of Kevin's Bacon is grue, the rest is extended shots but 'nice' to see.

    Wetting my pants over the MBV footage though...


  11. 34 more seconds of tube socks and Bacon!

  12. Woot! Timing for this couldn't be more perfect.

    My Bloody Valentine, original, uncut is being shown here in Toronto this week with the director in attendance. Perfect!!

  13. The original release of MBV wasn't much to excited over. I hope this new version fixes that. I crave blood!

  14. Shannon! I'll be going to that! Bloor Cinema Represent!

  15. http://www.fearnet.com/news/reviews/b14234_my_bloody_valentine_1981_special.html

    There's half! :-)

  16. "M.B.V" s.e. = one of the first reissues I actually was able to get excited about dropping more money on.


    I linked to you, too, as per the instructions on the film club thingie. your site is pretty nifty. :)

  17. http://cheapbin.blogspot.com/2009/01/heart-attack.html



    (some of my own MBV coverage)

  18. Love your blog
    I linked you also!

  19. Sorry gave you my old link :(
    new one here


  21. You really like 'My Bloody Valentine', don't you?? I saw it around eight years ago, and was rather nonplussed; your overtures and bloody valentines for this- dare I suggest it- what I thought was a mere footnote in horror film history- suggest to me I'd better go back and take another look at it toot sweet.

    No one with such fiery passion could possibly be mistaken, and now that there is such a comprehensive edition on offer...

    Would love to see how it was for you, once you have consummated your relationship with your reduxed long yearned for true love...


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