Feb 23, 2009


Hey y'all, today's the day of Dead Lantern's Splatcademy Awards! For which I was nominated! In a category!

Let's all listen at 1pm central time today and find out if enough of you kind folks voting so I can be crowned "winnah". I certainly hope so, otherwise I'm sitting here in a Mishi Mooshi gown for nothing. Alright, so it's enough to simply be nominated. Sigh.

I made up Mishi Mooshi, by the way. This gown- and by "gown" I mean "appliqued vest" is actually from the Quacker Factory.

Anyway, give the good fellows at Dead Lantern a listen. And don't just say you'll listen- do it! Lest 1) you fail tomorrow's quiz, and 2) this happens:

Why that would happen, I can't really say. I DON'T HAVE ALL THE ANSWERS.


  1. Thanks guys! I need to work up a more formal "thank you", since I won 'cause of voting.

    Aw, shucks!!

  2. T.J. from the Splattercast and AvantTrash.com here. Congrats on your spooky!!! this is the first chance i've had to check out your blog. I love it! Definitely Bookmarking it!

  3. Congrats!
    Oh and that picture totally freaks me out. Cockroach on ear... not good. I have a fear of something like that happening to me. Yegh


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