Over at AMC, I've written another column that includes ten little movies you may not have seen, but probably should. I've written about some of them here; others, I have not. I guess you'll just have to
click the link and read it to find out what's what!

I know, life is hard. But think how SHE feels.
I've seen six of those, and I agree that those six are all worth a look. And the fact that I agree with you on those makes me very excited to see the other four (#1-2, 8, 10)! I think my favorite on your list out of the ones I've seen would be #7, Night of the Demons. It's just so fun. #3 and #5 are a close tie for second.
That picture is creeping me out; what's it from?
I've seen (and loved) 6 out of the 10. Never heard of The Child, but me wantssss it.
"happy birthday, George Romero!" . . .
and Sorry you just died today, Lux Interior!
I always get Night of the Demons and plain old Demons confused. I haven't seen Night yet, but I'm not sure how it can compete with the heavy metal motorcycle rampage.
Hey, Just wanted to leave a word to say am loving the site since I stumbled across it, have had a real good laugh reading the articles, got me into horror again, keep up the good work
I'm glad you posted about Let's Scare Jessica To Death. I've been assuming it was another "drive someone crazy to get their inheritance" movie... now I'm going to watch it. :D
I continue to maintain that you HAVE to watch Phenomena (the Italian edit -- the American edit "Creepers" sucks).
2ndsuit - sad, sad news - RIP Lux - you can't beat Good Taste ... do Gucci do bum bags?!?
Great article. There was some movies in there that I haven't seen. I love finding out about stuff like that.
@ Kensington : The photograph is from Night of the Demons.
A must-see in my opinion, if only to see a Goth girl do a sexy dance to Bauhaus' Stigmata Martyr and then change into a bitey-bitey demon. And Linnea's lipstick-scene of course ;-)
Thank you for mentioning "Let's Scare Jessica To Death" - it's one of my favorites!!
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