The graveyard sequence that opens
Night of the Living Dead is, to me, perhaps the most frightening in all zombiedom. It's also one of my favorites in all of horror.
Man, I really need to pony up the dough for
the remastered edition. My $1.99 copy sucks.
Could be worse. My only copy is from one of those cheapo royalty-free-only distributors, and it has a huge freaking logo taking up nearly a fifth of the screen.
they're coming to get you, barbara!
I wholeheartedly support buying the Dimension release of Night of the Living Dead. It certainly has nothing to do with the Classic-Horror.com quote on the back. Nuh-uh.
See, this scene is one of the main reasons that I flat out refuse to live in a house near a graveyard.
Oh how I wish I were joking!
One of my favorite moments in my favorite film ever (Barbara's absolutely terrifying demise and the whole Karen-With-Trowel thing top the list, though). Stacie, I can't recommend the Dimension super-deluxe edition that came out last year - the making-of documentary is incredible and the scenes of Judith O'Dea and Russell Streiner walking around the very same cemetery now made me all misty and moist-eyed with geeky happiness.
Ugh, I even posted about that DVD release before it came out! It's been on my list forever. The problem is, when I'm looking to buy something, I think, "Well, I already HAVE the movie so I'll get something new..." and then I pop in the version I have and I think "AAAGH I must get the new version!" And around and around I go.
What an amazing movie. I always knew I loved it, but it wasn't until I read Kim Newman's analysis of it in "Nightmare Movies" (a wonderful book if you can find it) that I truly grew to appreciate how subversive and important it was.
Just stay away from that 30th anniversary travesty edition.
I totally agree with Pierce. Graveyards scare the crap out of me. Also zombies.
As for this scene, I agree that's it is amazing. It's not like zombies were into running at this point in movies, but think about times you've seen weird/creepy stuff and wanted to run away but then didn't want to feel "stupid" later for overreacting. This feels so real!
am i the only person in the world who thinks the colorised version is better than the black and white version.
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