Feb 24, 2009

Trilogy of Terror 2, part one

Something a wee bit different.

Tune in tomorrow for Part 2!


  1. That cracked me up! Awesome! :)

  2. "Looook at me teacher" = win.

    I can't wait for part 3.

    Little Zuni makes me smile whenever I think of him. :)

  3. Okay, so they're giant killer rat puppets, yet my first reaction here is AWWWW!!! They take compliments rather well, too.

  4. I'm so hungry that tonight I'm going to eat my dinner nom nom style.

  5. I remember this when it came on USA network and I went looking for the first one at like 5 video stores in one day. Never found it.

  6. I can really get behind your humor.

  7. Lysette Anthony...Princess from "Krull".

    This now makes me want to see the fakey rat puppets in action. :)

  8. This is fricken amazing.

  9. "HOLY CRAP!"

    This is the best thing.

  10. I totally love the "ACK! This is totally unexpected" face from the dude in the first panel in row 3. I wanna just cut that part out and use it for something. With permission of course.

    Awesome job on the whole thing!

  11. Oh man! When this gets greenlit by Pixar, you can use the Boomtown Rats song "Elephants Graveyard" on the soundtrack. Just change 'elephants' to 'rat-puppet'. It totally works:

    Did you slip the noose when the beast broke loose,
    The rat-puppet graveyard ain't the place to be,
    And white turns black, dies of heart attack,
    The rat-puppet graveyard needs a change of scene.
    You got the money, but who needs the tension?
    And fear's no cheaper on the old age pension,
    There's just one thing that I forgot to mention
    What've you got to lose when you know

    You're guilty 'till proven guilty
    Isn't that the law
    Guilty 'till proven guilty
    That's what we saw...

  12. Hey a mini masterpiece, Stacie - congrats... hey congRATS!! ha! you simply have to do all the stories from Trilogy One and Two now... this is the funniest thing I have read in years...

  13. Awesomely hilarious! Real puppet rats eating nom nom style. That is exactly the stuff of my nightmares.

  14. Oh man, that's awesome! I totally want to watch that now!!! I wonder if those rat puppets can hold a candle to the fur-covered dashchunds from Deadly Eyes?

  15. Totally real...totally real puppets! Heh.

  16. I was just loving the cute little rage-virus-infected Lambchop eating nom nom style in Black Sheep! Puppets are awesome!


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