Mickey Rooney enters a disused...movie studio? Theatre? TGI Fridays?...eh, some cobwebby place with lots of crazy crap everywhere. He's sporting longish hair, tinted glasses, black gloves, and a black trench coat. I immediately wonder why no one has ever thought to cast Paul Williams in a giallo...it seems like a match made in heaven to me.

Anyhooze, it seems that this mysterious fellow is no longer a star, and that makes him CA-RAZY! He talks to himself, he talks to mannequins, he sees pasty naked old people dancing...one wonders if this is the fate that awaits Tila Tequila.

Mickey Rooney sweats, jibber-jabbers, gnashes his teeth, prances around...and I know that sounds awesome but it's really, really not. Like, it's so not that it exists in a dimension entirely different from what is awesome. I don't think that makes sense- I don't get science- but maybe you catch my drift.
It turns out that Mickey Rooney has kidnapped some woman to partake in his macabre games of madness! She sits in a wheelchair and yells "Mr Laaaaannnnnng! Mr Laaannnnnnnng!" over and over and over and overandoverandoverANDOVERANDOVER and so Mickey Rooney...err, Mr Laaaaannnnnng feeds her some applesauce to get her to shut up.

Then, at the 22-minute mark, this happened:

Alas, alack, it was not to be. When Mickey Rooney in makeup can't save the movie, you know the movie is bad...and trust me, "bad" doesn't begin to describe this excruciating pile of dook. I know the director really thought he was giving the audience a window into insane madness, but between the rambling monologues, weird "dream visions", fucking sped-up sequences featuring some sort of harpsichord bullshit, the real insane madness here was mine and mine alone.
Because I possess both rage and honor, not unlike my heroette Cynthia Rothrock, I was true to my word (that's the honor part) and kept The Manipulator in until the timer hit 0:30, when Rooney was parading around in some Cyrano De Bergerac getup. Then I hit stop and pulled the DVD out of the player in such a fury (that's the rage part) that it literally* caught on fire, ensuring that I can't possibly watch any of this dreadful movie ever again.
*the DVD did not catch fire at all
The picture of Mickey Rooney in makeup was worth the pain. And since it was your pain and not mine, it makes it doubly worthwhile!
Hilarious post! I was laughing so hard.
Better you than us, I say.
Way back when you first showed the cover for this, I thought a better name would be "THE ROONEY"
Cynthia Rothrock - I like her on principle, but all her american films are so... umm (deleted by politeness) on the other hand there's this, the authentically called best-fight-scene-of-all-time:
I can't believe you said harpsichord, and the next word was a swear! *goes and listens to harpsichord music*
In your review of "Silent Night, Deadly Night" you mentioned how, when the movie came out, Mickey Rooney wrote a letter of protest. So I thought it was funny when I saw a while back that he starred in one of the sequels, Part 4 or 5, I can't remember.
Bad movie, but oh! Those screenshots!
...must resist.
Paul Williams in a Giallo...LMAO.
And to think, I almost ordered a copy, just for that insane cover I used to see in the video store and creeped the fuck out of me.
I might end up still getting it down the line. It's because I like to abuse myself, that's why.
As I'm reading about how terrible this movie was I hit the part where you say 'at this point, I'm 13 minutes into the movie...' and I nearly wet myself with laughter.
Who would think they could fit that much craptacular enjoyment into 13 minutes of film!
If it's any consolation, the movie does not improve under it's alternate title "BJ Lang Presents." However, having made it to the end, don't ask me how, one can only shake one's head and mumble "What pretentious piece of poop."
I'm going to try and never watch this.
i think luana anders is one of the most gorgeous birds of all time.
I'm here leafing through Mickey Rooney's 1991 autobiography and there's no mention of "The Manipulator." That's all.
I'm the only one who loves this movie, but I admit that it's almost impossible to sit through. It's an experimental short that last 90 minutes.
However, I think if you did sit and watch in a theater from beginning to end, you WOULD go insane, in a good way, like an acid trip through the irrational.
Or, to put it another way, it's like if WILLY WONKA was just 90 minutes of the creepy ferry ride.
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