You know, if Cheryl hadn't worn that low-cut top and mini-skirt into the woods practically daring the trees to rape her, then none of this would have happened in the first place!
Though as I've grown into exquisite womanhood I've come to appreciate the humor in this film (yes, I'm generally slow on the uptake), but I'm not gonna lie- I'm still a wee bit scared of The Evil Dead. It's those damn eyes!
Read my original mini-review of The Evil Dead...if you dare!
Man, if women have to start worrying about rapist trees too, I don't know where we'll be. I mean, what kind of pepper spray do you carry for that?
Those eyes are the main reason that I had trouble sleeping for several days after seeing that movie, which I think is the only genuinely frightening installment of the Evil Dead franchise.
But I have to laugh when Ash is whacking the crap out of his newly demony girlfriend and she just keeps giggling maniacally. As scary as it is, it's really hysterical in parts.
I love this movie. I saw the second one first and couldn't sleep afterward, even knowing it was a comedy; and the first one straight-up petrified me. I grew up next to some fairly extensive woods and the movie confirmed everything I had always dreaded about them. I never go in the woods now without pepper spray.
Maybe I'm a little slow on the uptake, too, but I still think The Evil Dead is first and foremost a horror movie. Evil Dead II is the comedy.
They both scared the crap out of me, either way.
Still my favorite of the series. To this day all the wacked out voices and creepy noise send chills up my spine.
Without a doubt, my favorite movie of all time, without Evil Dead I wouldn't even be a horror movies fan today...
Just found your blog, pretty awesome stuff.
I'm a big Evil Dead fan, myself. But I would like to say that tree rape is no laughing matter. A friend of mine was recently assaulted by a Giant Sequoia. He didn't last long.
Chop-a-holic wishes to hell blogger would let me log in again! Treeeeeeeeeees release meeee.. Let me goooo! That was the beginning of the end for me. Back in early 82 when it was released on VHS... I laughed so hard at this movie I almost peed my little 9 year old self! This is also the film that warned my brothers new GF (now wife of 24 years) of exactly how warped my family is. Well that and we laughed just as hard at the Faces of Death series. Poor little paper mache monkey!
Saw this film in Grade 5, (many years ago now) and it was during this scene where my eyes shut remained shut for the rest of the film.
@Kensington, I'm not sure she means straight up comedy, but it's definitely a dark comedy at the least, and it has some perhaps unintentional comedic elements as well (the hilariously evil deadites, Bruce getting his ass kicked every 5 minutes, etc.)
I've been leading trees on for years now, the most I've ever gotten is some sap in my eye.
Either there's no gay trees or I'm far uglier than I thought *sigh*
Having been on the actual cabin property within the last few years, I can report that the same tree responsible for all of this trauma is still just as sexually confused and frustrated as ever. It made a pass at me as I walked by.
Apparently Raimi and Camopbell have both confirmed that the first Evil Dead wasn't supposed to be a comedy (or contain humourous bits), they just didn't have the necessary money and experience yet.
Probably far less scary to first time viewers today, but when this came out in 82 (or 83?) there really had never been anythig like it (maybe some obscure European gore films, but those were impossible to get or even know about back then).
Oh, that part in the pic was awesome. It was so sudden, I didn't see it coming at all, and everyone else was so adorably confused at her sudden demonic turn.
To me, the sister mocking them while peering out from under that trapdoor in the floor is the one of the scariest things ever. I was excited to see how they did that in the remake, and they barely even tried. Too focused on the rest, I guess.
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