Aug 18, 2009

scenes i love - the changeling

A red rubber ball bouncing down the stairs.

I only feel a little bit foolish for getting so freaked out by it.


  1. Seeing George C. Scott and that ball makes me wish "Man Hit By Football" was made for real before he died.

    "MY GROIN!"

  2. I have never seen this movie. I should fix that then?

  3. I think it's a damn solid ghost movie with some fantastically creepy sequences. Plus, George C Scott. How can you lose?

  4. Don't feel foolish. I still get the spooks from the song Twinkle Twinkle Little Star after the bedroom scene in Poltergeist. Now that's foolish.

  5. Do you think it is related to "Don't Look Now"? That is one _horrifying_ scene.

  6. You are not foolish! This is one of the scariest films ever. Damn that ball!

    I watched it for a second time and then though "What the hell am I doing??". So scary....

  7. It's an incredibly creepy sequence, especially given the specific circumstances surrounding it (which I will not reveal). "The Changeling" is amazing and I get tired of the churlish asking "Hey, didn't they remake that recently?" No.

  8. If you want to know something even more creepy than the rubber ball scene...then look no further at the fact that the gates to the mansion used in the film still exist on the site that the film was shot in Vancouver. I drive by them every day and get goosebumps when I do.

  9. Great scene, indeed. There are scenes from this that are among the creepiest, best segments ever done in a ghost-story film. ... But overall, I find the movie hard to recommend. Last part of the film turns into a fairly dull episode of CSI or Cold Case.


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