Sep 17, 2009

a few of my favorite...

TITLE SCREENS! Romero really gives good title.


  1. in all honestly, the simplicity of "the blair witch project" is my favorite. it's so...sparse. like an abandoned old house in the woods!

  2. The Friday the 13th letters look like cake that I want to eat.

  3. the title in the thing was amazing. thank you for including it. i'm a huge fan of in camera effects and that title is the prime example of what you can do with a camera and intelligence.

  4. The Shining! So ominous!

  5. Halloween II for the win! Though, they are all great, but I love that jack o lantern as it flickers during the opening credits. If there is one thing I love, it’s the Halloween aesthetic!

  6. I like H2 even more than H1- 'cause of the good old skull-in-the-pumpkin gag.


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