I watched The Morgue 'cause
it stars Heather Donahue,
"Heather" of Blair Witch.
I was psyched; I think
the Blair Witch kids should work more-
but not in such crap.
Make no mistake, friends,
This movie is bad, indeed.
Please, stay far away.
Strangers trapped inside
a funeral home at night
are chased by some dude.
There's a twist ending
you've seen before in better
movies like Dead End
and a li'l something
that's called Carnival of Souls.
I suggest you watch
one of those; I watched
this one so you don't have to.
Not scary. Acting?
Beyond atrocious.
It was just a waste of time
I should have turned off.
Oh, this cross I bear!
Watching such horrible films
'cause it's Shocktober.
But if I can stop
even one person from this
then it's all worth it.
So please, stay away
From The Morgue. If you want some
Heather Donahue
you should watch Blair Witch.
Even if you hate it, you'll
like it more than this!
it stars Heather Donahue,
"Heather" of Blair Witch.
I was psyched; I think
the Blair Witch kids should work more-
but not in such crap.
Make no mistake, friends,
This movie is bad, indeed.
Please, stay far away.
Strangers trapped inside
a funeral home at night
are chased by some dude.
There's a twist ending
you've seen before in better
movies like Dead End
and a li'l something
that's called Carnival of Souls.
I suggest you watch
one of those; I watched
this one so you don't have to.
Not scary. Acting?
Beyond atrocious.
It was just a waste of time
I should have turned off.
Oh, this cross I bear!
Watching such horrible films
'cause it's Shocktober.
But if I can stop
even one person from this
then it's all worth it.
So please, stay away
From The Morgue. If you want some
Heather Donahue
you should watch Blair Witch.
Even if you hate it, you'll
like it more than this!

The only way I could muster a review for this piece o' dook was to go the poetry route.
You should have watched Trick'rTreat instead. Seriously.
OKAY! :D I will, when a copy comes my way. For now, I'm watching stuff we have around the house that I've yet to see so I don't have to spend any money.
I'm just gonna say it: this month, it's time to review Killer Workout.
RJ has a point.
I caved on buying Trick'rTreat because to many folks I respect were praising it...so I didn't want to wait for the "Veeeeery long wait" on Netflix. :)
Stacie, your review
Was a delight; Shocktober
Has been great so far
Thanks for watching this
Crapfest so we won't have to
We're very grateful
Final Girl is an
Awesome horror blog, kudos
Keep up the good work!
It is actually just as bad to see Heather in a Steak and Shake commercial.
I knoooowwwww! Hey, whatever pays the bills...but still, it's a little heartbreaking.
Maybe in 20 years, the Blair Witch gang will experience what other horror actors from the 70s are experiencing: a new crop of genre directors who...you know...want to see these actors in films!
Some guy who wants to make movies like the Rob Zombie movies he loved as a kid? ;)
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