Okay, so they're pretty much ALL my favorite subgenres because I fucking love horror movies! I do. You may not have known that up until this point, but it's true. I really dig horror movies, and they make me quite happy (except when they don't, but even then they kinda do). Hey horror movies- you're the best! *Slaps horror movies on the ass*
Anyway, That's not all I've got cooking at AMC this week, oh my stars no. I've also cooked up a couple of quizzes to test your horror trivia mettle. Answer correctly...and quickly, for if the timer runs out on either quiz, your computer will explode in your face. That's right- I'm like the bastard lovechild of Jigsaw and Alex Trebek!
Anyway again, there's a short, easy, breezy, and beautiful quiz about slasher movie quotes, and there's the Halloween ultimate fan quiz. Halloween nerds will likely kick butt, but I tried to throw in some obscurities.
Report back with your results...unless you went and got yourself exploded.
I'll definitely check these out.
I also want to say I love that picture. "Amityville" was one of the first horror movies I'd seen that kept me up at night.
Hey, wait...only two of them hotels was haunted... the others were just poor choices for people to stay at. ;)
Details, details. Just wanted people to know I'd covered some haunted hotels in the past.
I took the quizzes and then noticed that the last page is a BUNCH of other horror quizzes. There goes my whole morning...
My favorite haunted house is in the movie House.
I got a whopping 0% on the quiz (I couldn't even guess one?) BUT I got 100% on the "Horror in 3D" quiz and *that* I am proud of.
My main gripe about modern horror films is a complete lack of the supernatural element. I don't wanna sound like an old man (but, get off my lawn!), and I suppose it's a matter of opinion at this point, but a slasher flick is a thriller. It takes the supernatural to make it a horror flick...says I. Thank god for Sam Raimi's latest.
I was doing great on the Halloween quiz until the last three questions(70%). I chose...poorly on the slasher quotes(40%).
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