One of my favorite actress-type ladies turns 61 today, hooray! As you know, Margot and I have been best friends for years now and to honor her honor I think I'll get down with something Kiddertastic. But what, oh what? Sisters? Black Christmas? Should I waste away again in Amityville? Shall I watch her play second banana to Superman? How about Common Ground, wherein she plays Brittany Murphy's homophobic mother (ehhh, issue movies can be such a drag)? Or Someone is Watching, the made-for-TV movie wherein she stars opposite Stefanie effing Powers? Decisions, decisions. So many ways to celebrate the awesomecrazysauce!
When I was but a lad, I went to the theater and saw her in The Amityville Horror (you know the scene) and love was born. I mean, it was scary and all, but the white stockings and the flower in her hair and le sigh...
Incredible psychotronic gorgeousity incarnate - Sisters is my favorite because she plays that Theresa Russell - Charlotte Rampling - Karen Allen - Jennifer Jason Leigh - class of a hellcat persona to a towering 'T'. they should have a awards category for these sorts of performances. presented by Gena Rowlands. for "WOMAN MOST UNDER THE INFLUENCE" anyway, happy birthday Margot! where are you!? why let family guy have their last word on you!
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