The stuff totally starts to happen right away as some girl and some guy are making out on some bed, when all of a sudden some other person in a robe comes in and the make out girl is all "I'm so sorry! Don't do anything to me or I'll tell all your secrets!" and she splits, but the robed figure chases the girl up to some rooftop and then the girl falls off onto some sidewalk and dies. The Sisterhood wastes no time! The Sisterhood means business!
At some future point, Christine (Jennifer Holland) arrives at College University (or whatever), a place of higher learning that suspiciously resembles a chain hotel.

During class–which is held in a room that suspiciously resembles a hotel conference room–a magic marker floats up and writes CHRISTINE on a dry erase board (that's right–no chalkboards at College University!). Christine freaks out and runs away. What's going on here? Was it a truly magic magic marker?
Christine returns to her dorm room (which suspiciously resembles a hotel room) and promptly uses her brain power to light a candle. Christine, you see, has eerie powers! Did she write her own name on the dry erase board? Don't worry: the movie never tells you, but in the end that's the only logical explanation. However, if that's true, then it's not logical that Christine would flip out over it. Don't worry: nothing in The Sisterhood makes sense.
Meanwhile, there's a sexy sorority on campus called BAT (Beta Alpha Tau or whatever) and they're interested in recruiting Christine. This turns out to be a fortuitous development, for Professor Barbara Crampton already asked Christine to pledge–there's something hinky going on at the BAT house, and apparently only Christine and her eerie powers can stop it. What's the evil secret of the BAT house? You may want to sit down for this big reveal:
They all sit around drinking wine and making out.
Yes, girls making out with other girls, even though they're girls. I mean...that's the evil that Professor Barbara Crampton is talking about, yes? And the "temptation" that Christine must avoid while she's in the company of BATs? It must be, because there's nothing else going on at the sorority whatsoever. I mean, when Professor Barbara Crampton says "You can't allow them to entice you into doing anything you've never done before, or you'll be one of them!" and it coincides with this shot:

The messages at the BAT house don't stay veiled for long, however, and as a new pledge Christine is forced to stand by awkwardly and watch HBIC (Head BAT in Charge) Devin (Michelle Borth) make out with some other chick as techno music plays.

Devin has somehow gotten wind of Christine's eerie powers and asks for a display. Christine obliges, literally, turning into a display from Spencer's Gifts:

It seems that Devin is truly evil, for she sleeps with Christine's goody goody "I'm waiting for marriage" not quite boyfriend Josh, and she totally corrupts him! He goes from being a studious nerd:

Hooray, the moon is finally full(er) and it's time for the initiation ceremony. It looks like every other evil college initiation ceremony you've seen, what with the requisite robes, coffin, candles, and "belonging to the darkness"es.

The final showdown the world has been waiting hundreds of years to be is a real nail-biter. Christine uses her eerie mental powers!

Wait, I forgot–The Sisterhood doesn't make any sense! I know I've made it seem as if it might make a little sense, but it doesn't. It really doesn't. In fact, it feels as if there are large pieces of the script missing. There are huge leaps of logic in conversations, and those conversations are themselves cobbled together out of nothing.
Though there's lots of making out and wind machines and techno music and underwear-clad boys and girls, none of it is a turn on at all. No one ever actually has sex or really does much more than awkwardly kiss and sway back and forth while almost-hugging. It's odd, because you think that sex would be a big selling point of a movie like this. It's not even remotely the softcore movie you're pretty much expecting, but it acts like one. The Sisterhood is...I don't know, eunuchcore or something.
The biggest shock of all, however, is that this film was released in 2004. It feels so damn 1990s, from the music to the hair to the clothes (vests!) to that Melrose Place-esque arm-in-arm stroll out the gates of College University.
I really can't recommend The Sisterhood...or can I? I mean, I was entertained, just not in the way you want from a horror movie. I mean, it features Professor Barbara Crampton, Vampire Slayer and a bisexual vampire explodes. Now that I think about it, it's pretty much the greatest movie of all time!
This shit totally happens yo.
A David Decoteau movie about girls?! I refuse to believe it. What happened to the auteur behind such homocamp classics as Leeches! A.K.A. The Attack of giant prosthetic phallaces on a swim team?
Don't worry- he still manages to work in plenty of lingering shots over bare chests, too. If this movie made more sense, it might be that all the men who consort with the BATs are bisexual, too, but that's probably reaching...then again, it's fun to look for veiled references in David DeCoteau films!
I can never ever sit thru one of his movies from start to finish but I like the fact that he keeps making this shit anyway. He's dedicated.
"What's odder than the fact that she survived being blown up, however, is that a girl was buried all bloody and fanged with stake sticking out of her chest and nobody seemed to care. I guess the coroner and funeral home of College University Town are really phoning it in at this point."
Number one cause of death on college campuses across America (and in Romania) is a stake through the heart. Really. I thought you would know that.
Was this the Criterion version that you reviewed? Because I heard the original director's cut made more sense and all. Plus, it has the Francois Truffaut commentary track.
"Eunuchcore" is my new favorite word. I have no idea how I'll work it into a conversation, but this I swear- I SHALL!
Apparently one of the main reasons Robert Rodriguez cast Marley Shelton in the likes of PLANET TERROR is because she looked freakishly like young Barbara Crampton.
Me, I'd take either as a tasty treat.
"Devin (Michelle Borth) make[s] out with some other chick as techno music plays."
...well, I aroused.
Must fight sudden desire to watch entire DeCoteau back catalogue. Must fight.
"This humiliation only strengthens Christine's resolve to fight against the temptation of wine-drinking and bisexuality, much to the relief of Professor Barbara Crampton."
Hey, we've all been there.
I was randomly surfing info about Greyston Holt and came across this.
You people are ALL witty and amusing!
Now I'll have to torrent this turd so I can see the crazy plot for myself. Worse than Batman v. Superman? DeCoteau huh? Now I'll have to check his crazy not gay onscreen gayness, too.
David DeCoteau is a trash master! I love him!
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