Feb 23, 2010

for the THING lover in your life!

Treat him or her to this luscious 20" x 24" acrylic-on-canvas painting by moi!

Put a little MacReady in your home today! Fits with any decor. Don't believe me? Then behold!


  1. The third example just improved my life by forty-two percent!

  2. This is awesome! (I guess you'll hate me for saying this is awesome without hitting the paypal button. BUT it IS indeed awesome!) (Now I guess you'll hate me more...)

  3. Ha! No, I appreciate compliments just the same. Thank you!

    It's like my gramma always said, "Saying nice things is like hitting the Paypal button of the mind."

    Okay, she never said that. And it doesn't even make sense.

  4. The brokedown building one is pure brilliance...

  5. If I awoke in a hospital room and saw that painting on the wall, I'd feel strangely comforted.

  6. Ok, I laughed out loud at this, and as a rule, I'm not a LOLler.

  7. Freaking love this!

  8. I officially delurked to comment that the picture of your picture in the third picture and the nursing home made my night.

  9. I peed myself laughing, right here in my cubicle.

  10. I peed ON Chris. In his cubicle.

    Not about this article, just, you know. Last Friday night. We're both broke, and watersports mean never having to say I'm sorry.

    You're fucking funny, lady. How much for the painting?

  11. That is absolutely gorgeous. I can literally hear the music from the film when I see it.

  12. I laughed about this all day yesterday. You are awesome.

  13. Your work is amazingly versatile and adaptable.


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