Okay, so the truth is, I've yet to see Cold Prey 2. I really dug the first one though, so I'm going to assume that I'd like the second one just as much. Sequels are always as good as the originals, right?
Of note: on the first poster for The Broken, Lena Headey's name is spelled wrong. No one caught that??

Still haven't seen Pontypool yet, but that first poster is enough to make me really want to even more.
Hate those Trick 'R Treat posters though! Spoilers much?
I'm with Emily up there. I still need to see Pontypool, and these posters are definitely enticing me to do so relatively soon.
Pontypool loses a bit of steam at the end, I think, but overall I really dug it. The first 4/5 are GREAT!
My love of Pontypool is unabashed. Though, as far as posters go, I'd pick the first and third. The first for design, the third 'cause I've a nerd crush on Georgina Reilly.
@emily I think only the third Trick R Treat poster is a spoiler. The rest were are just bad-ass.
If you like radio drama, the BBC broadcast a very cool version of Pontypool:
Different ending... ends right where (I think) it ends best.
And for more 2008 zombie action, I thought that the ultra low-budget Brit entry Colin was a great example of DIY movie-making. It got some press for being made for under a hundred pounds, but the piece is interesting for taking on the POV of the zombie. It's also pretty neat... the zombie attack that kicks in at the half-hour mark is some impressive stuff old school mayhem.
I don't know why that last poster for THE RUINS works for me, I only know it does.
You'll like COLD PREY 2 - it's like a great version of the original Halloween 2, with it's creepy hospital and lack of staff... it's maybe even better than COLD PREY.
The Pontypool radio play is an extra on the UK bluray (which is region free)
Hey, sorry I'm late, Stacie. Especially when you tossed in some of my favorite languages. So vaminos…
The Greek Broken poster is for Διχασμενη which means sort of “the torn.” It stars Lena Chenteï, whoever that is, as well as Oulrch Tomsen, and Melvil Poupo.
The tagline "τι θα εκανες αν συναντουσες τον ταυτο σου;" (ti tha ekanes an sunantouses ton tauto sou?) means “What would you do if you encountered yourself?” more or less.
The Japanese is a transliteration: Burōkun.
The German Cold Prey 2 cites a review saying, “Maybe the best slasher film of all time” and the tagline is “Colder Than Death.”
The charming Norwegian Fritt vilt means Free Prey (“open season,” maybe?) and promises, kinda lamely, “Get ready for the definitive movie experience.” Wow. A more generic blurb I have not seen. (“Autumn 2008” is what it says at the bottom.)
The awesome Turkish stuff reads The Devil’s Hotel 2 (Or Satan’s Hotel, if you prefer): “He didn’t die!… He came back to kill.” Could also be “she,” actually, since I don't know the flick.
Spanish: Cold Climb 2 “Whatever happens, stay awake.”
The Russian Ruins is a literal translation: Ruiny.
The Vietnamese Ruins is literally Ghost Tree, which is pretty awesome.
I hadnt seen any of the pontypool posters, great picks this week!
aaaa you gotta love the art of movie posters
Ms. Ponder, I love Awesome Movie Poster Friday, but I have to ask... does quality go into this? Because... um... The Ruins is a festering pile of dookie... actually... no... that is too kind. it is the scum that grows on the vomit we vomit after dookie has been festering for months upon months after the rotten corpses of murder victims have taken the death shits. yes. i think this is accurate.
sorry. i really hated that movie.
Well, technically it's supposed to be about the posters. Lame movies can have terrific posters and vice versa.
I liked The Ruins, though it wasn't stellar. I really liked the book, too.
You did? Can you please review it then? I would seriously like to read that. I have now watched it twice. And I sat down to watch it the second time knowing I hated it the first time. And I don't know I did it. I am sure you have had this experience. Yes, methinks, Cathy's Curse was this for you? No? Come to think of it, maybe Cathy's Curse was this for me. But seriously, I was to read what you love about it. I haven't read the book. I just thought "Screaming flowers?!?!? I needn't take anymore of this!"
I kinda loved The Ruins, although once I read the superior novel, it went down a tad in my esteem. Still, while the plants themselves were the weakest aspect of the film for me, I thought the absence of sweetness between the characters really made things interesting. These people showed their true, non-heroic colors pretty quickly and all the other horrific aspects--the camped out Mayans, broken backed German, growing heat and paranoia--made this the underrated gem of whatever year it came out.
I'm pretty much in love with the 3rd "Trick 'r Treat" poster. Loved the movie as well.
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