I realize I didn't mention the awesome musical interlude, or the fact that in the end, Professor Johnny Longbow kills Lizard Paul, who "explodes"- meaning, the screen turns red. What can I say? I start these comics and then they end up in a different place than I'd originally intended. C'est la something something.
I did, however, write about my favorite scene from this film and how much it affected me when I was a dumb kid over at Mermaid Heather...so, you know, you can read that if you want to.
Allow me to be the first. Awesome, awesome and six more times awesome.
This really plays like one of them animated cartoons.
Well done.
Gold. I think you should do more of these type of reviews. Maybe Blair Witch 2: Book Of Shadows. You could kill all of them this way!
That was great.
Cartoon-you is super-cute.
Hard to believe this mess was co-written by Bill Finger, the man who actually deserves some/most/all of the credit for Batman in his final form, depending on how much of a glory-seeking hack you think Bob Kane was.
That said, awesome review. The more I delve into your blog the more I begin to realize just how high you're constantly setting the bar for other horror bloggers.
You get used to horror bloggers here. They're quite common. That's why tribes in this area have so many legends about them.
I have fond memories from when this was on Mystery Science Theater 3000. They did a great Behind the Music skit about the band that sang 'California Laaaaaady'.
Made with chicken, corn, green peppers, chiles, onions...
I saw this on MST3K and it always cracks me up. I can see how the blood under the door scene could scare Little Stacie, although I was more horrified by the ambient noise and general repulsiveness of the trashy drunk couple. Now I can't think of "California Laaaaaady" without thinking of the fake lyrics Mike and the Bots added to the song, such as "California graaaaavy, add flavor to your meat."
And you can't make a good stew without...corn...chicken...green peppers...
Great cartoon!
I just got Track of the Moon Beast in one of those cheap 50 packs of bad horror movies. I don't know if I can ever sit through California Lady again (even with the help of the MST3K bots).
This is freaking fantastic. Great work!
My name is Paul, and I too appreciate bare-chested archeology.
I just wanted to say I love your comics and they make my day anytime you post one.
Also, this movie sounds awful, but in a way that totally makes me want to watch it - does that mean I have some weird mental illness?
(For those like myself who haven't seen this one before, you can apparently watch the whole thing here: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4525830585475660111#)
I tried making it through this movie.
And couldn't.
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