FINAL GIRL explores the slasher flicks of the '70s and '80s...and all the other horror movies I feel like talking about, too. This is life on the EDGE, so beware yon spoilers!
Nov 12, 2010
awesome movie poster friday - the TELEKINETIC edition!
My anticipation over The Initiation of Sarahfor Film Club has got telekinesis on mah mind, y'all, which seems to be an appropriate enough place for it to be, I guess.
Anyway, that Patrick poster- you'll know the one- has got "Eye of the Cabbage" stuck in my head, sung to the tune of Survivor's "Eye of the Tiger". Hopefully, now, it is stuck in yours. You're welcome. That is some Pay It Forward shit!
Best thing about the CARRIE KILLER GIRL poster? The awesome Stepford Wife/Russ Meyer breasts on Piper Laurie. Do you think anyone who was lured in by that poster might have been a little disappointed by the movie? (Apart from the shower scene, of course...)
Verification word: DITIE- the classic '60's sitcom about a teenage girl being raised by her bachelor uncle.
I saw an unofficial production of Carrie at the Williamstown Theater Festival in Northwest Massachusetts in Summer 2002.
It was very well done, insofar as the production values were high, and the performances were top notch.
The only problem, and unfortunately it was a show-ruining problem, was that the audience was so primed to howl with derisive laughter every time the show made a reference to religion, even a serious reference, that it ended up drowning out the action with inappropriate laughter and applause from start to finish.
Lovely posters,
Question did you ever check out the broadway musical of Carrie???
Lazarus Lupin
art and review
I like how the one Carrie poster obscures Carrie in favor of some girl in her underwear.
"Carrie: Killer Girl" is my favourite poster in this list.
Dare I say, but I really want/need a copy of that Carrie: Killer Girl poster.
Best thing about the CARRIE KILLER GIRL poster? The awesome Stepford Wife/Russ Meyer breasts on Piper Laurie. Do you think anyone who was lured in by that poster might have been a little disappointed by the movie? (Apart from the shower scene, of course...)
Verification word: DITIE- the classic '60's sitcom about a teenage girl being raised by her bachelor uncle.
I saw an unofficial production of Carrie at the Williamstown Theater Festival in Northwest Massachusetts in Summer 2002.
It was very well done, insofar as the production values were high, and the performances were top notch.
The only problem, and unfortunately it was a show-ruining problem, was that the audience was so primed to howl with derisive laughter every time the show made a reference to religion, even a serious reference, that it ended up drowning out the action with inappropriate laughter and applause from start to finish.
Basically, the Carrie audience acted like the show was much campier than it was being played.
I love Carrie. She burns me up real good!
Carrie the KILLER!!! love this movie so much!!!
Patrick and Jennifer be creepin me out!
I SO want the Carrie Killer Girl poster!! It's got my name all over it (well, I guess technically they all do!)
awesome posters. I love carrie. To this day, this will always be my favorite film of all time.
those fuckers deserve to get killed for messing with carrie . and man is carrie's mom a bitch.
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