Nov 7, 2010

Gallery o' Slasher Movie Title Screens, Part Two!

Here we go, more slasher movie title screens! Now, if you may reaaaallll close attention to detail, you may notice a trend amongst these.

Oh, and if some of them look all cruddy, it's because they are- some of them I've only got on VHS and I had to resort to photographing the TV. I'm not so bad that I'd cut off a title, though- believe me, Curtains did that all by itself. For the record, both that movie and The Burning are red font on a black background. Ah, the sometimes-pain-in-the-ass-i-ness of lo-fi...


  1. Clearly Carpenter’s Halloween title was massively influential. It’s the class of yesterday’s. That said, the glowing-orange-on-black titles makes a heck of a lot less sense on a bunch of these than on one with a jack-o'-lantern.

  2. Beautiful stuff. Tourist Trap was the first DVD I bought. I love how off-kilter that movie is.

  3. I myself am a big fan of the dripping blood letters which I saw for the first time in H.G. Lewis' Blood Feast (1963).


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