Dec 30, 2010

Friday the 13th

clicken ze big big

I don't know why, but there you go. Yes, I'll be doing the other F13 films as well. Again, I don't know why, but there you go!


  1. I gotta tell you, I'm fuckin' loving this so far!

  2. This rules. Can't wait for Mark the wheelchair guy from Part 2.

  3. This is truly awesome. This is so good I could stumble upon it. This is so good someone could put this on a t-shirt and sell a bunch.

  4. I have one thing to say to this and that is huzzah.

    And also I can't wait to see how you handle the wheelchair death in Part 2.

    And I'm worried you'll get carpal tunnel syndrome doing Part 5.

    So I guess that's three things.

  5. Good stuff! Can't wait to see the sleeping bag kill from part 7 in all its stick figured glory!

  6. Love it.

    BTW I see your Birdemic and Shark Attack 3, and I raise you Thankskilling. It's the best low budget horror film about a vulgar, homicidal, Native American voodoo turkey puppet out there.

  7. I know why - because it makes so many people so very happy.

    Can't wait to see how Banana Girl from the Final Chapter goes.

  8. this has got to be made on a t-shirt!

  9. This is the cutest thing I've ever seen, and I'm a kooky cat lady!

    I can't wait til we get to Jason X!

  10. Thanks kids! I love that everyone has a favorite death they're waiting to see. Oh,'re a gift that keeps on giving!

  11. HAHA @ Steve Christy. This is great!

  12. Thanks! I have to admit it, Steve Christy is my favorite.

  13. I am a huge FTT fan, and even I must admit, I had no idea the first 2 kills were named Barry & Claudette! I presume it was in the credits, but good looking out, nonetheless. I now have a FTT stumper the next time I want to do the Scream trivia thing! (Hey, the sequel comes out this year, so I've got to prep...MWHAHAHA!)


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