People, I have had a big day of 1) talking about
Frozen with my mom, 2) playing the
Dragon Age II demo and writing
a review of it, 3) going to a screening of a movie I'm not supposed to talk about until Friday (which should narrow it down for you), and 4) well, #4 hasn't happened yet, but I'm gonna hafta link to a whole mess of people for this installment, because gobs of you turned out to talk about this month's which I say hooray. Hooray, kind sirs and sir-ettes. Oh, and the reason I'm telling you I had a big day is because 1) it's the reason why I'm posting this so late and 2) it's the reason why my review will be rather short. There will be 30+ other reviews linked up here, though (SAY WHAT), so I'm sure someone else can fill in whatever I lack.
And I guess I'm really into incorporating numbered lists into my sentences today because 1) I don't know why.
Frozen. Three assholes con their way onto ski slopes without paying those expensive lift ticket prices. Three assholes end up stranded on the chair lift because no one knows they're up there when the slope closes for the night. Three assholes try a few ways to save themselves: jumping, heading down the line to a climbable pole. Three assholes encounter many hardships, such as wolves, wolves, and frostbite. One asshole survives.
three assholes weNow, I realize that all makes it sound as if I didn't like
Frozen, which is not the case. Well, that's not entirely true, for I pretty much loathed the first half hour, full of
character development by way of assholery. The "girlfriend coming between two friends and their bro time" angle simply made for characters that are unpleasant. Maybe I was supposed to be rooting for their deaths? Maybe it's all supposed to be some big morality play and the stranding/wolfnanigans are cosmic payment for their generally foul natures and thievery? That seems like a bit of a stretch, and thus my battle cry is yelped once more: please, just make some likable characters.
Once they all got stuck up there in the dark- in the the dark (sorry,
Haunting moment there)- things picked up and I found myself getting into it. The characters remained fairly assholey and shallow, despite all the "Remember that time?" stories meant to add depth, but the situation was interesting/dire/tense enough that I was interested in their fates nonetheless. Add in some cringe-worthy gore and I was satisfied enough. It made me particularly grateful to be warm and dry, so I suppose it was evocative enough.

But. But but but. Now, I realize that, Kane Hodder cameo aside, a viewer who's not ensconced in the indie horror scene might not notice, but...for fuck's sake. kay, Adam Green, we get it. You love your horror filmmaking buddies. You really do, and you seem like a good friend, but we get it. Does every character name have to be pulled from the home page at Dread Central? You've got characters named
Joe Lynch,
(Dave) Parker,
(Spooky) Dan Walker (complete with the "Yeah, that's Spooky, Dan" line),
(Ryan) Schifrin, and
(Adam) Rifkin. I don't know, maybe I should ignore it. But it's so
bro-y, you know? Like the dudes stranded on the chairlift, who love the same movies Adam Green loves, who hit on a girl played by Adam Green's wife. Does this have any bearing on the movie itself, or is it just too wizard-behind-the-curtain for me and so my personal experience suffers? Eh. Probably doesn't matter, but I'm just saying. I noticed.
Oh, and who the fuck gets excited over Papa Gino's pizza? It's gross. And I'm not sure that Newbury Comics would really post a big billboard at a ski resort, but I used to work there, so hey.
Film Club Coolies, y'all! Give 'em love.----------------------------------------------------Moving Pictures (haiku!)
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