FINAL GIRL explores the slasher flicks of the '70s and '80s...and all the other horror movies I feel like talking about, too. This is life on the EDGE, so beware yon spoilers!
Jan 20, 2012
awesome movie poster friday - the SLASHER MISH-MASH edition!
Thanks to this I have been knee-deep in slasher flicks for days and days and it's been a real treat. I mean, slashers are the reason I started this blog way back when, and I've had much fun reveling in them again. They're just terrible and awesome! Like the ad for Girls Nite Out...what the heck is that all about? It's everything that's awful and great about these movies wrapped up in one little piece.
And what's this "mish-mash" all about? Well, I've got some posters and some VHS boxes and some newspaper ads and I'm rolling around in The Good Old Days. Totally!
Is that an obese Stone Cold Steve Austin on the Alice Sweet Alice poster? Also, love Noche del Graduacion... makes it sound more dignified somehow...
This post reminded how much I've been wanting to see The Town that Dreaded Sundown. The last I checked it was still out of print, though. I gotta get me a copy of that.
I almost asked for a Just Before Dawn sketch for my Slashers 101 order. I love that movie. Hey, it's on YouTube and not in pieces. Oh, I ultimately asked for the movie Pieces.
Is that an obese Stone Cold Steve Austin on the Alice Sweet Alice poster? Also, love Noche del Graduacion... makes it sound more dignified somehow...
Love the Alice Sweet Alice poster! And The Town That Dreaded Sundown is on TCM tonight!
Wow, I have never seen Girls Nite Out and clearly I need to keep it that way! In related news, my Captcha word here is "dowwnhoe."
This post reminded how much I've been wanting to see The Town that Dreaded Sundown. The last I checked it was still out of print, though. I gotta get me a copy of that.
I almost asked for a Just Before Dawn sketch for my Slashers 101 order. I love that movie. Hey, it's on YouTube and not in pieces. Oh, I ultimately asked for the movie Pieces.
"Is that an obese Stone Cold Steve Austin on the Alice Sweet Alice poster?"
I wondered the exact same thing the moment I saw it.
The Just Before Dawn artwork is superb. Even the 'Paragon Video Production' logo has me a bit nostalgic for the VHS days.
Stranger in the House was that weird Thanksgiving slasher, yes? Funny to see bits of Hell Night in it. Sigh* the wonders of marketing...
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