Feb 1, 2012

In case you were wondering...

...it's Women in Horror Month! Go nuts, everybody.


  1. It is?! Shit, I did a post on that last month...

  2. But, seriously, isn't EVERY month Women In Horror month?

    Or is that just me?

    p.s.- my word verification is sumboi. I'm not touching that one with a 10-ft. Pole. (His name is Stan.)

  3. That's weird. I just checked out an anthology of horror stories from women writers from the library today.

    Had stuff from Angela Carter, Ursula K. LeGuin and Madeleine L'Engel... (riding that whole coincidence thing, it's the 50th anniversary of "A Wrinkle In Time" - I actually was just looking for stuff from Carter).


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