FINAL GIRL explores the slasher flicks of the '70s and '80s...and all the other horror movies I feel like talking about, too. This is life on the EDGE, so beware yon spoilers!

Jan 27, 2016

The Nightmare-ening Day 8: Time to Wake Up

Well friends, The Nightmare-ening is over and I believe my faculties are largely intact. It went pretty much the way I expected it to–I love Part 3, dislike everything after that to varying degrees, Part 2 is super gay...I think the big surprise was that I didn't hate the remake. Sure, sure, it gets a shit ton of stuff wrong, but I dig the stuff it gets right. And given how much I loathe the other Platinum Dunes remakes, saying "I didn't hate it" is like giving it a hundred Oscars.

Before wrapping this up, I thought back on the gallery of awful Michael Myers masks I posted once upon a time. Surely there are awful Freddy Krueger masks, I thought. Why, if I find some I will make a gallery of them. Just as I suspected, there are some awful Freddy Krueger masks out there, such as this Chiclet-riddled number.

But in the midst of my Googling, I found something better than awful Freddy Krueger masks, and that something better is dogs dressed up like Freddy Krueger. Let's have a gallery of those, shall we? And also, let's start an internet petition for Freddy to come back in A Nightmare on Elm Street 7: Dream Dog. In the movie, he will be a dog. (spoiler)

Bonus Round! (And ideas for A Nightmare on Elm Street Parts 8 and 9)

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JawnGawthum said...

Nightmare on Elm St 7: The Dream Terrier

Stacie Ponder said...


Faith said...

There already WAS a 7th Nightmare. Why skip "New Nightmare"? Wes Craven is disappointed in you!

Stacie Ponder said...

I mentioned back at the beginning of The Nightmare-ening that since I'd watched/reviewed/talked about NEW NIGHTMARE recently (in October), I wouldn't be talking about it this week. And while I guess technically it IS Nightmare 7, I don't really consider it to be. But that's just me, and I'm sure there are plenty of reasons for Mr Craven to spend some time in the afterlife being disappointed in me :)

Kensington said...

So what's next? Is it time to do a series on the "Howling" movies? Or maybe the "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" series?

"Howling II" has got to be worth it for the awesome end credits sequence alone!

Stacie Ponder said...

Oh man, I don't know. Most series are soooo baaadddd! I'm kind of making my way through Hellraiser but not in any formal "write about them" way–just watching trainwreck after trainwreck, basically.

Kensington said...

Why go through it alone when you can share it with us?

agent_of_the_8 said...

Great week of reviews! My opinions are quite the same with most of what ya said. The Platinum Dunes version of Nightmare was fairly decent (taking Kruger back to being the creeper he started off as was such a great choice because, yeah, he got WAY too jokey after 3), but I'll buck the cart a bit by saying their revision of Friday the 13th was the best they've done to date. There seemed to be a lot less CGI usage (at least too noticeably) and the 3 main characters (4, counting Jason) were somewhat well defined and kinda worthy of being rooted for when the chase was on...

Anyway, I'm digressing.

Howzabout doing a mini marathon of all four Phantasm films next, Ms. Ponder? I know ya did write ups for number one and four, but those were so long ago. A refresher would be quick and easy for ya! :) Plus two and three aren't too bad: they continue the whole surrealistic/disjointed trip, but are quite fun to experience just to say "what the Hells was THAT all about?!?" in a good way.

And since Phatasm: RaVager is supposedly on the very near horizon, coupled with Mr. Angus Scrimm's passing a little while ago, it might be a good time to get some folks around here pumped up about this surreal series of swirling silver spheres swarming upon stooges and scapegoats alike. ;)

Eliot Blades said...

But the Howling series has were-kangaroos in it! WERE-KANGAS!!!

Stacie Ponder said...

You guys make good cases for these things! Hmm. Much food for thought. Of course, there's always the WITCHBOARD series...

Paul Hurh said...

To add to all of the great suggestions here: how about the Whispering Corridors series? I haven't seen all of them, but the ones I have seen were pretty interesting.