May 20, 2024

Logs, pies, etc

Hello! I thought I would send up a flare about a new podcast endeavor I've got going on with Mike Muncer of The Evolution of Horror:

It's a weekly show that'll have us running through the entirety of Twin Peaks, episode by episode (and, you know, a movie when appropriate). The introductory episode is available now, wherever the finest podcasts are...available. Or you can listen right on the Evolution of Horror website

Mike is a bonafide Twin Peaks lover and I am a bonafide Twin Peaks total newbie, so I'm excited to see where this journey takes us. I've been a frequent guest on EoH, both the main series and through the Patreon, and it's always a grand ol' time podcasting with Mike. So whether you are a Peaks fan or, like me, you've never seen it, I hope you'll dig the show. Grab your logs, subscribe, and join us as we...I don't know, walk across the weird zigzag floor? 

See, I don't know this show. BUT I WILL. Huzzah!


  1. I squealed when I saw Mike's post. As I said in my response: In my (5-star) review I referred to you together as "the Reese's Peanut Butter Cup of horror podcasting.

    I'm so psyched for this - I cannot wait to hear your reaction to all the ins and outs.

    Are you holding off on doing coverage of The Return (season 3) until 2049, to make you wait 25 years for it, like the rest of us had to?


  2. I think you're going to like it? but I'm excited to listen either way.

  3. You're in for a wild ride. I hope you'll enjoy it too.

  4. Having now listened: beyond Piper Laurie, you also get some prime Grace Zabriskie throughout the whole run. In fact, can I propose a spinoff or Patreon extra-cast? It's called "Zabriskie Point" and it's just you talking about each Grace Zabriskie scene (maybe even just each Grace Zabriskie scream) in deep detail.

  5. II thought the same thing while listening to the Piper Laurie convo as Richard -- Grace Zabriskie is EVERYTHING in Twin Peaks for me.

  6. I watched Twin Peaks when it first came out. When I was twelve. Maybe not the best idea. But I love it.

    About Piper Laurie, I always think of her first in Twin Peaks, then the Hustler, then Carrie. Am I a monster?

    Man, the Hustler is good. Minnesota Fats is maybe the best character name of all time.

  7. Well last year i went on a little binge of Lynch's movies, and I've been thinking about watching twin peaks.. checking it out along side this podcast seems fun

  8. I'm really excited about the weekly format and everyone joining in, whether it's a first-time journey or otherwise. Feels like old times

    *pops a Werthers*

  9. AAAAAAAAH. Episode of the pilot drops today! I cannot wait to drive into work so I can start listening to this.

    I don't ever recall being this psyched for a Monday commute.

  10. Woooo! Hope it made the commute easy and breezy!


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