Jul 20, 2024

Down in Peaceful Podcast Valley

Friend, if you're sitting there thinking "Man, there is nothing exciting happening in my earholes today!" well guess what? You're in luck because I had the good fortune to guest on the most recent episode of The Evolution of Horror, wherein host Mike Muncer and I discuss a veritable slew of animal attack movies from the early 1970s (and even a wee beyond). Anyone who's been haunting Stately Final Girl Manor for a minute or two knows that animals run amok is one of my favorite sub-genres, and we hit on pretty much all my faves over the course of the conversation: Frogs, The Swarm, Ants!, Kingdom of the Spiders, Day of the Animals, and on and on. I just love 'em, and I could have talked about them all day if the bandwidth allowed.

So! If you'd like to give it a listen, you can do so right on the Evolution of Horror website, or wherever you get your podcasts. My goodness, these movies rule.


  1. Ha, because of The Detective & The Log Lady I am SOOO far behind on the regular EoH episodes!!

    (by the way I am loving your Joan Chen journey)

  2. Before the pod started, everyone got me excited for a Grace Zabriskie journey...but I had no IDEA I'd be on a Joan Chen journey as well!! #blessed

  3. So I finally got to that EoH, and would you believe I saw almost all those 70s movies back when they aired on TV? More importantly, I didn't think I'd seen BUG, but when you got to the description of the cockroaches spelling out words on the wall, I almost out of the body experience (which would be bad because I was driving) - because a 45-year-old dormant memory suddenly got yanked from my brain like a piece of metal in an MRI machine, and then it all came flooding back.

    I only saw Kingdom of the Spriders once, back then, but I still vividly remember that final set piece.

    Also, Devil Dog: The Hound From Hell , I remember my sister and I would run around the house going "Mummy! Mummy!" in that Kim Richards proper diction accent.

    70s movies on TV were just so incredibly cool. The children will never know....

  4. Oh man, what a TREAT it must have been. I think about that every time I watch one of the seemingly infinite number of 70s made for tv films...what it must have been like to settle in for Devil Dog, or Home for the Holidays, or or or. We're so completely overloaded by choices these days that that sort of experience is realllly difficult (if not completely impossible) to replicate. Mike Muncer and I get sort of close with the Twin Peaks pod, which is one of my favorite things about doing it.


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