FINAL GIRL explores the slasher flicks of the '70s and '80s...and all the other horror movies I feel like talking about, too. This is life on the EDGE, so beware yon spoilers!

Sep 20, 2024

Keeping your ear holes busy

I know, I know--you came here to read, not to listen. Well, let's compromise: Read about listening, and then do what you will!

Hopefully what you will do will be checking out the latest episode of the esteemèd podcast The Faculty of Horror, which features moi talking with hosts Alex West and Andrea Subisatti about some movie from 2018 called Suspiria.

I could talk about Suspiria all day! Or even for 31 days, as I did during SHOCKtober 2019. But what a treat to discuss it with the Fack icons of horror podcasting. You can find it wherever you get your podcasts, of course, or listen directly on the Faculty of Horror website. Love FoH and man, Suspiria rules.

Would you say that Suspiria is one of your 20 favorite horror films? Or mayhaps it is not? Either way, you can make your voice heard by sending me a list of your 20 faves for the forthcoming 2024 SHOCKtober celebrations! The deadline fast approacheth: Tuesday, September 24th, after which my email inbox will turn back into a pumpkin. If'n you need to know the hows and whats of what I'm talking about, please read this post. And a huge thanks to everyone who has sent in a list so far! I can't wait to spend all next month counting down the results. (And thinking about Suspiria.)

Oh and PS, we're 'round-bout the big WHO KILLED LAURA PALMER reveal over on The Detective and the Log Lady, so if you enjoy Twin Peaks and podcasts and Mike Muncer and me, then get ye to the show. New episodes every Monday! (Hey, maybe Fire Walk With Me is one of your 20 favorite horror movies...?) (PLEASE DON'T SPOIL ANYTHING FOR ME, WE HAVEN'T GOTTEN THERE YET! I'M A TWIN PEAKS NOOB)

Hmm, that's about all the news from around Stately Final Girl Manor, I think. Unless you'd like to hear about how excited I am for all the new Real Housewives episodes we're getting lately and---hey wait, come back!


Nicholas Kaufmann said...

Will there be any more Chilling Classics Cthursday?

Stacie Ponder said...

Yes, it returns next week! I've been away for a lot of the past few weeks for various reasons but I'm getting back on track with all kinds of things (including CCC!)

Nicholas Kaufmann said...

Yay! I'm glad to hear it. It's been a weekly source of joy for me! (And I hope it's all good things that have been keeping you away!)

Stacie Ponder said...

Thanks!! I've been missing it, too--it's really exposed me to some banger films, and no matter what it's always fun to see what comes piddlin' down Mill Creek.

CashBailey said...

Re-living TWIN PEAKS through the podcast has been a joy. I re-watched DFIRE WALK WITH ME the other day it just gets better every time.

FWWM also introduces a few elements that go on to be explored in THE RETURN, but obviously nobody knew that at the time. But they were in Lynch's head even back in 1995 or whatever it was.

I wish I could elaborate but I'm not that kind of a@@hole. I'm many other kinds of a@@hole, just not THAT one.

Stacie Ponder said...

AHHHH I cannot wait to watch it! I'm glad I resisted the urge over the years and I'm glad I'm resisting now but lawd...the wait is excruciating