If spawning countless inferior copycat knockoff flicks is the hallmark of a great film, then it should be no surprise that Wes Craven's Scream is near the top of the list. This movie resurrected the dead and stale slasher genre as it managed to be both cheeky and truly fucking frightening. Unfortunately, the copycats only looked to Scream's self-referential aspects and overlooked the fact that the film also sticks to the formula and does it well. The laughs are balanced- outweighed, even- by some of Craven's finest work; the famous opening sequence is undoubtedly one of the scariest in any horror film.There you go! I couldn't have said it better myself.
In its wake, the slasher film quickly became diluted once more with inferior flicks and countless parodies- it's easy to overlook and/or forget how powerful Scream truly is. Kevin Williamson and Wes Craven managed to simultaneously update the formula and adhere to it- that's the sign of a true landmark effort.
Or could I?
Anyway, here's that "famous opening sequence in all its glory. Lazy Thursdays rule!
Here's to shoddy blogging - thou art its queen, m'lady.
You're not so lazy - you put the opening sequence right in your post so I didn't have to go looking for it!
At the time I liked the vintage touch of the Jiffy Pop, but now even the phones are old!
I bet the Scandinavian audiences especially appreciated the "gut you like a fish" line.
I couldn't be fonder of Stacie Ponder
She's a wonder of nature, a gas
She's the girl of my dreams even though she liked SCREAM
Which I thought was total ass
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