Bee Bee Dairy was a small chain of those coffee shop type restaurants that was one of my haunting grounds when I was in junior high and high school. It was the kind of place where old people sit at the counter all day nursing a corn muffin and a cuppa, so
obviously it would appeal to me. I couldn't find any pictures of it online, and it seems that it might not even exist anymore. Despite the fact that I (unfortunately) don't get home all that often and when I do Bee Bee's never figures into my plans, the fact that it might be gone still made me a bit sad. I'm getting old. Where's my corn muffin?
I love corn muffins.
In other news, Wednesday is AMC day! This week I talk about
horror comedies I didn't know were horror comedies. Slap my face and call me Myrtle!
Whatever that means.
This week in
Ghostella's Haunted Tomb news,
I give you...outtakes. Who doesn't love an outtake? Jerks don't. Don't be a jerk.
Over at his
rad blog*, author Vince Liaguno talks about and links to his enlightening
interview with Todd Farmer, the screenwriter for the upcoming My Bloody Valentine remake...and The Messengers...and Jason X. Go read it- Farmer divulges some info on the reality of
horror by committee. The genre has had that antiseptic boardroom feel for years now, but it doesn't make the notion of it any less depressing. We need a horror revolution NOW!
mall shoppers Film Club Folks: I'm changing the due date on
this month's pick,
The Car. I'll be in San Diego for Comic-Con the weekend before the original due date and I'm freaking out about everything I have to get done. Freaking out, I say! So, let's talk about
The Car on
Monday, August 4, shall we? I know lots of you are excited about this one, and so am I. By Brolin's beard, it will rock our faces off- so say we all!
In lieu of a photograph of Bee Bee Dairy, here's a photograph of a big bee that accompanied
my review of The Swarm. That's probably better than a picture of Bee Bee Dairy, anyway.

"rad blog" makes me sound young and hip, don't you think?
Young, hip, and fabulous, Stacie!
just read yer amc article another good one! liked the descriptive paragraph about the one who didn't get the joke. i'd like to thank you for having the guts to stand up and say that you didn't like evil dead 2 or 3... not alot of horror folks would do that and it takes courage! personally i liked 2but felt like part 3 was big rip off. don't think part one was sposed to be funny if it was then it failed cuz not much funny bout the first one lol. also american werewolf is scary as hell.
Interesting stuff...
I remember seeing MOTEL HELL when it opened - hardly anybody came and NO ONE got the joke; then seeing the movie in college during a horror festival and EVERYONE got the joke.
PHANTOM OF THE PARADISE is truly... weird. Highly recommended and the songs by Paul Williams are great, as are Jessica Harper and Gerrit Graham.
THE VAGRANT is another one that skirts on the fine edge of comedy and horror - if you can find a VHS copy.
The Farmer interview had some good tidbits, but I'm not still not sure how good a MBV remake will actually be, despite kickass hype. If it ends up being a turd, I guess he won't be able to say it was due to rewrites.
i've been working on my The Car review, now i get an extra week to make it extra ginchy.
enjoy SDCC, Stacie. when i used to go i had a good time.
She’s so pretty. I love her smile very much. A few days ago, I saw her at the celebrity age gap dating club " ★★★★★★ " she posted a nice profile there.
Yeah, what he said.
i liked that movie nightmares cuz i actually had a big nightmare about that guy on the poster in that dream that guy was chasing me round and round the mall! hahaha. i got so scared, i jumped up and ran into my parents bedroom and FREAKED OUT. and i woke up SCREAMING MY HEAD OFF.
In THE EVIL DEAD, a girl gets f*#ked BY A TREE...
... and you didn't know it was a comedy?
Ahh Stacie, great news on the extended deadline. I so want to join the film club this time, but I'm so freaking busy at the moment... I've not had time to even watch the movie yet, let alone write a nice review. Phew I saw!
Stacie, I don't know you, but I think I love you. I'm so excited to watch The Car.
I looked at the Motel Hell poster and it acutally looks like the victims are laughing....
"It takes all kinds of critters to make Farmer Vincents Fritters" is a dead give away to me that this is a comedy.
Pretty sure that at 10 I would have missed that to.
Can I just say.... that was SO good.
sorry to say but Bee Bee's is all gone whaaaa lol. I used to go there as a lil girl with my gr grandpa "B" I called him, and then as a middle and highschooler right after class. It was a short walk. Newport creamery bought em out, then Newport creamery was bought out by something else. In Norwich CT though they brought back one Bee Bee diary since we are such sentimental beings out here, but being a small business when the mall announced it was closing it's doors with little notice, the owner didn't have the funds to reopen it. So now it's gone. So sad :o(
BeeBee Dairy is gone. I've been to the ones in Norwichtown Mall, Waterford (next to the cinema) and Groton. Speaking of Groton, there was once a terrific little restaurant in the Groton Shooper's Mart (name?) called Gulino's. My Grandmother and parents purchased many a birthday cake for me from that place.
"When good taste counts, count on Gulino's!" That was always the place to get breakfast pastries and cakes.
I'm so sad BeeBees is gone, even though I don't live there anymore. I think Newport Creamery is gone, too...
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