- the sister with no mouth briefly glimpsed in the
kid with eerie powers segment of
Twilight Zone: The Movie is Cherie Currie. Cherie Currie! Of The Runaways! WOW!

Mint Newman-Os are delicious. This was a far less shocking revelation than the whole
Cherie Currie is the mouthless sister in Twilight Zone: The Movie thing.
Weirdest thing. I was chewing a Newman-O when news of Paul's death came over the radio.
Haven't tried the mint yet. I can, however, vouch for the deliciousness of Newman's Own orange-flavored Champion Chip cookies.
Also the balsamic vinaigrette, senior formula cat food, and "The Verdict."
how creepy weird is it that the other sister in that segment--who ends up trapped in a cartoon--was played by Nancy "Bart Simpson" Cartwright?
I was chewing a Newman-O when news of Paul's death came over the radio.
Did you have your radio turned to the future again?
If you think the mint ones are good, just wait until you try the Ginger-O's. Life in the fallout shelter would be much happier with case of those on hand.
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