- John Carpenter made some of my favoritest horror movies during the late 70s and early 80s. Looking at posters from The Thing, I think "Holy fucking shit, I love The Thing." Then I see posters for The Fog and I think, "Holy fucking shit, I love The Fog." Then I see...meh, you get the idea.
- The poster for The Fog which portrays the giant woman made out of fog staring at your junk will never get old.
- If you want more Halloween posters, check out the AMPF Halloween edition.
- Damn you, Alamo Drafthouse and your amazing posters! I want them all.
- Though I did not add a relevant poster to the mix, I feel like telling you that a friend of mine once called Carpenter's In the Mouth of Madness...Mouthful of Madness.

i love old asian posters for western films. they're so insane and abstract and.... just plain weird.
actually i would love to see some of those crazy nigerian poster paintings for john carpenter films, hahaha
I'm very happy about "Das Ding". That is all.
I love his horror films, but I also have a real soft spot for Starman. And when is Big Trouble in Little China going to get a sequel damnit?
John Carpenter has, unquestionably, made some of the finest horror/sci-fi/whatever films I've had the pleasure of viewing. It's just too bad that he began making stinkers later on in his career; and I'll readily admit that part of it was because the Eighties came to an end (if that makes any sense), but even so...
This is the most awesome AMPF of all AMPFs. For serious. For real real and not for play play. I cannot even come up with enough synonyms for rad for this post. I'm not even gonna try.
Too effing awesome! Quite a few posters here I'd not seen before - so thanks for posting. Enjoy your weekend. Don't go straying onto the moors or anything...
I love that Swedish tagline for The Fog: "What you can't see won't harm you - it will kill you."
Friggin' cool John Carpenter installment of AMPF! I love those foreign "Thing" posters, especially the weirdly minimalist one with the blue background, black helicopter, and white foreground people-- gives you no hint as to the wonderfully horrible creature at the movie's core, compared to some of the posters from other countries. Love it!
Love the "Escape from NY" one w/1997 at the bottom right corner. Is it me or doesn't the Statue of Liberty look totally pissed? And the "They Live" one called "Invasion Los Angeles" was totally used as the cover of "Assault on Precinct 13"- another great Carpenter flick.
Holy crap, great minds thinking alike once again! I just posted Trailer Trash earlier day with a John Carpenter theme (Missy can verify), and here I come across this other bit of Carpenter awesomeness! And let me say that my Italian side rejoices at the notion of John Carpenter's La Cosa.
Suuurrrrrre. I'm hip to your schemes, B-Sol! HIP I SAY.
LOL :-)
Hey, if the end result is more John Carpenter-related content all-around, I say it's a win-win for everyone involved.
Yes, B-Sol, I think we all went Carpenter-crazy this weekend.
#6 of The Thing is definitely my favorite. Oh and "Das Ding" made me laugh because I'm immature.
cool! Love Carpenter, posters rock.
“He was the ‘Rattlesnake’ [I’m guessing Snake Pliskin]. Now he’s hunting ‘The Thing.’ Kurt Russell in John Carpenter’s newest movie trip.” John Carpenter’s THE THING from another world (German)
STVOR “The Creature” (Croatian)
The Thing (The Mystery from Another World) (Spanish)
For once some Japanese that's not a transliteration! 遊星からの物体X Yuusei karano buttai X. “Object X from the Planet” more or less.
“For aliens, humanity is the warmest place to hide.” The Horror from Outside (Danish)
I'm going to pass on the Thai They Live.
The Italian one is a literal translation and the tag line is, “If think they’re a person like you, you’ve committed a fatal mistake.” So, close.
Halloween: the night of witches (Italian)
¡Behind the fog…terror! The Fog (Spanish) Idenical with the italian one that says FOG and has a ship.
There is something in the fog, and you won't discover it before it kills you… The Fog … The hours after midnight belong to the dead. (Danish)
Awesome Japanese transliteration: Za Foggu.
“What you see can’t hurt you. It kills you.” FOG (Swedish)
Close the window. Lock the door. Something is hiding in the fog. THE FOG (Croatian)
The Fog of Horror (German subtitle)
1989, crime in the U.S. increased 400x. 1995, the police give up. Manhattan isolated, guarded by police troops. Flight from New York (Swedish)
Nyūyörku 1997 (Japan)
American action film… (Czech)
Polish is a literal translation.
Spanish is 1997…Rescue in New York.
Hope that suffices…
Za Foggu wins! Thanks, Bill!!
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